Improving your self-esteem isn’t about becoming selfish, loud, competitive and arrogant. It’s about taking care of yourself so that you have the strength and energy to help and give to others when appropriate.
sandiegohannah7цитирует11 часов назад
It’s about taking care of yourself so that you have the strength and energy to help and give to others when appropriate.
sandiegohannah7цитирует11 часов назад
learn to accept that sometimes you will be wrong and you are fallible.
sandiegohannah7цитирует11 часов назад
mistakes and nobody is perfect.
sandiegohannah7цитирует11 часов назад
only feel good about yourself when things are going well, but when things don’t go so well, you lose your self-esteem.
To prevent this, self-esteem needs to be grounded firmly in
sandiegohannah7цитирует11 часов назад
self-acceptance is based on the knowledge that we are all fallible human beings, we all make mistakes and nobody is perfec
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low, your chances of happiness are low
sandiegohannah7цитирует12 часов назад
When you wake up in the morning it’s another day in paradise.
sandiegohannah7цитирует12 часов назад
When self-esteem is low, your chances of happiness
If these qualities aren’t acknowledged for fear of what others might think, then these men and women are not being themselves.