This is our great need—to have our minds and hearts filled with a sense of the greatness and incomparable glory of Christ. When you think about the deeply narcissistic age in which we live and how much we are tempted and encouraged to be focused on ourselves, M‘Cheyne’s words still echo in our ears down through the corridors of time. We need to take them to heart every single day.
David Bloomerцитирует8 лет назад
Learn much of the Lord Jesus. For every look at yourself, take ten looks at Christ. Let your soul be filled with a sense of the excellence of Christ.”2
David Bloomerцитирует8 лет назад
To quote Donald McCullough: “When the gospel is preached, . . . Christ walks among his people. It’s the miracle of Christmas all over again: Christ clothed himself in humanity, spurning the language of angels to speak with the tongues of mortals.”
David Bloomerцитирует8 лет назад
All those, then, who, not content with the gospel, patch it with something extraneous to it, detract from Christ’s authority.