Disebut oleh Muhammad Yamin sebagai Bapak Republik Indonesia yang sesungguhnya, Tan Malaka mungkin adalah salah satu figur paling misterius dalam kemerdekaan Indonesia. Ini ceritanya.
Pengantar bagus untuk mengenal Pahlawan Nasional yang pertama kali menuliskan konsep Republik Indonesia
Fariz Akbarделится впечатлением4 года назад
👍Worth reading
Aep Hamaraцитирует8 лет назад
It was with De Waard that Tan used to discuss his political thinking. De Waard later knew why Tan’s grades in school were falling: the young man was addicted to reading books on politics. “I tried hard to make him go back and learn his lessons knowing his grades in class were falling,” De Waard wrote.
Windiyani Ladoiцитирует8 лет назад
should not be planned solely on the basis of logistics, let alone with outside support such as from Russia, but on the strength of the masses.
b7923117234цитирует4 года назад
For decades his name was blacked out from textbooks.