The third book in the Enchanted Kingdom series, ELYSIUM continues the story of Rani and Tan as they discover the pathways to Shamballa and develop the Heartland Game. Tracked by both the Dark Ones as well as other Alchemists that are also focused on the merging of the worlds, in this book we cover the movement of the rapture, Shamballa's Shadowlands, parallel worlds plus Earth’s rise into more civilized realms beyond 2012. Guided by the futuristic Commander of the Starship Elysium we also track the story of the immortal monk Tao Lao who moves back in time to work with Isabella and influence a young bomber who is hell bent on revenge.
A cross between Harry Potter, Star Wars, C.S. Lewis & the Matrix movies, this new trilogy of fiction also weaves in some of the aboriginal dreamtime legends while offering powerful metaphysical tools and futuristic insights that will entertain all ages.