Cold Calling for Chickens is really for the majority of sales people in every market; they are all just as chicken as you but you’ve had the courage to take the first step toward doing something about it by buying this book. There are some absolute certainties when making a cold call:
1. No prospective customer is waiting by the phone for your call.
2. Most prospective customers will have just as good a life without the service or product you provide.
3. Most prospective customers don’t really want the hassle of changing the way they do things at present.
4. Not a single prospective customer cares about the raw facts and features of your product, however fancy or new they may be.
5. Unless, during the call, you can sow a little FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) in the mind of your prospective customer, by asking effective questions in areas where you know you have a solution, you simply will not get either an appointment or a sale.
6. You must never assume before you pick up the telephone that the person you want to call is going to be grumpy, miserable or not a prospect. If you have done your I.K.E.A. work that person is a qualified prospect who can make use of your product and make a decision to buy.
To create value in the mind of your customer, ask questions that force the person to think about their problems. The best cold call callers are just as chicken as you. They simply ask more questions and persist. It’s really as simple as that.