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katiadolzhenkoцитирует9 лет назад
in the Google AdSense Program, Google pays publishers for clicks on ads displayed on their sites
katiadolzhenkoцитирует9 лет назад
Display Network includes all the web pages that use the Google AdSense Program
katiadolzhenkoцитирует9 лет назад
With paid search, your ad is placed at the top of ad listings or on selected sites, thus allowing web users looking for you or for services similar to your offering to actually find you.
katiadolzhenkoцитирует9 лет назад
link building should be a top priority for your SEO efforts
katiadolzhenkoцитирует9 лет назад
The search engines assess the quality of your content and web pages according to the number of links directed to the site.
katiadolzhenkoцитирует9 лет назад
One of the most effective ways to allow the search engines to index your site is by including tags.
katiadolzhenkoцитирует9 лет назад
It is important to clean up your site HTML to enable the bots to effectively analyze the content on the site.
katiadolzhenkoцитирует9 лет назад
It is important that you choose your keywords carefully so that they are not only relevant, but also competitive.
katiadolzhenkoцитирует9 лет назад
Google changes its algorithm about 500–600 times per year