“Are you sure that you can tell the difference between a teddy bear and a fox?”
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In the language of Florida state law, he had been convicted once again of a crime “extremely wicked, shockingly evil, and vile.”
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she may have been the one woman in his life who helped to fill even a small corner of his barren soul. Although he could not be faithful to her, neither could he exist without her.
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And, because that programming is often so cunning, this personality is extremely hard to diagnose. Nor can it be healed.
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He is subtle, calculating, clever, and dangerous. And he is lost.
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“The man’s about thirty-seven—looks fifty—and he handles about twenty capital cases a year.
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He enjoys playing the game. He appears to enjoy watching law enforcement people muddle in their ignorance.”
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When a reporter asked him at one hearing why he wore the brace, he grinned and said, “I have a problem with my leg—I run too fast.”
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According to Patchen, Ted raised up in his chair, crumpled a pack of cigarettes and threw it on the floor, saying, “But I’m the most cold-hearted son of a bitch you’ll ever meet.”
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Poitinger had asked him why he had such a proclivity for stealing Volkswagens, and he’d said it was because they got good gas mileage.