“Are you going to stand there all night, looking guilty as hell?”
jammyцитирует3 часа назад
What the fuck is he talking about?
jammyцитирует3 часа назад
“It’s okay if you do. Just tell me, and I won’t touch you again.”
jammyцитирует3 часа назад
“Are you having sex while you’re on the phone with me?”
jammyцитирует3 часа назад
“I will eliminate anyone who might pose even the slightest threat to you, Angelina. If I, even for a second, suspected that he recognized you, he would have been dead.”
jammyцитирует4 часа назад
“Well, I guess that’s as good as any other reason.”
jammyцитирует4 часа назад
“I mean, he will kill every person he feels may be of any kind of threat to you. Real or imagined.”
jammyцитирует4 часа назад
My demons are somehow afraid of scaring her, so they withdraw when she is near.
jammyцитирует4 часа назад
“Are you shitting me?”
jammyцитирует4 часа назад
I applied for a librarian position at Atlanta University two months ago. Still waiting for their answer, though.”