
Kass Morgan

Kass Morgan studied literature at Brown and Oxford, and now resides in Brooklyn, where she lives in constant fear of her Ikea bookcase collapsing and burying her under a mound of science fiction and Victorian novels.



цитирует2 года назад
When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.
melцитирует2 месяца назад
“Is he your boyfriend?” Bellamy pressed.
melцитирует2 месяца назад
Bellamy nodded slowly. “I’m sorry.” She started to tremble, and he instinctively pulled her into his arms. For a long moment they just stood there, Bellamy holding Clarke’s shaking form tight against him. “I’m so sorry,” he whispered into her hair.


Mickeyделится впечатлением3 месяца назад
🔮Hidden Depths
💞Loved Up
👍Worth reading

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    Kass Morgan
    The 100 (The 100 Series)
    • 103
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