Michael Wilkinson


ieyeцитирует2 года назад
You’ve made it this far. You should have a pretty good understanding of your gift and you should be proud that you have it.
ieyeцитирует2 года назад
To combat all of this, you have to protect yourself in order to remain grounded. Everyone is different, so what works for one may not work for the other. That said, the best way to protect yourself and remain grounded is to build up a resilience, a strong energy field, a healthy body, and a quiet mind.
ieyeцитирует2 года назад
Another great thing an empath can do is to include nutritious and grounding foods in their diet and get rid of drug-life foods. Wheat is one of the worst offenders. Empaths are sensitive to vibrations. Everything in the world vibrates at different frequencies and this means alcohol, food, and drugs. Things with low vibrations negatively affect empaths. Most alcohol and drugs will have a low vibration and can bring an empath down.
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