holiday had gone past in a flash. It didn’t help that she’d spent most of it working in the hotel rather than hanging out at the beach, but now they were back and beginning the Leaving Cert syllabus.
Dona_mцитируетв прошлом году
Sitting at the bottom of the stairs in Katie’s black-and-white-tiled hallway, Frankie put her head in her hands and tried to shut out the chaos that was unfolding around her.
Aleksandar Đurićцитируетв прошлом месяце
The light was catching the diamond stud in her nose and making it gleam
Aleksandar Đurićцитируетв прошлом месяце
tiny, and with her knees drawn up to her chin and her huge eyes dark in a very pale face, she looked even more pixie-like than normal.
Aleksandar Đurićцитируетв прошлом месяце
the patio furniture
Aleksandar Đurićцитируетв прошлом месяце
caught in some sort of alien ray beam and couldn’t speak.
Aleksandar Đurićцитируетв прошлом месяце
pick her way
Aleksandar Đurićцитируетв прошлом месяце
beginning the Leaving Cert syllabus.
elyssademiarцитируетв прошлом году
cheeks. Even with her eyes shut, the blue strobes of the ambulance and Garda cars outside were imprinting themselves