was correcting the perversions that the scribes and Pharisees had made of the Law.
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Luther repeatedly returned to
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statement that the true interpretation of the Law had been obscured by the rabbis.
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“He only restored it [the Law] to its integrity by maintaining and purifying it when obscured by the falsehood, and defiled by the leaven of the Pharisees.”
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Thus the entire Old Testament had a prophetic function that was fulfilled in Christ.
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fulfilled the Law by dying on the cross and satisfying the demands of the Law against those who would believe on him.
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The sacrifices of the Old Testament prepared the people by instilling in them the conditioned reflex that sacrifice meant death. And the Old Testament sacrifices prepared them for the Lord Jesus
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death when he came to die for our sins. Jesus fulfilled what the sacrificial system had pointed to.
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A third area of fulfillment of the Old Testament Law and Prophets is that Jesus perfectly kept all its commands