
Mia Sheridan

  • Kirsten Laytersцитирует7 месяцев назад
    Why did you do it?
  • Kirsten Laytersцитирует7 месяцев назад
    I don't know. His expression turned thoughtful, his eyes meeting mine, and then he continued. When you were in the trap, I couldn't speak to you to reassure you. You can't hear me… I can't help that. He looked down for a second and then back up at me. But I want you to see me.
  • Kirsten Laytersцитирует7 месяцев назад
    Now you can see me.
  • Kirsten Laytersцитирует7 месяцев назад
    Archer, I said, taking his hand and bringing it to my heart, which was beating wildly in my chest. "Do you feel that?" I whispered, using my voice since my hands held his against me. "This is how you affect me. My heart is pounding, because I want you to kiss me so badly that I can barely breathe
  • KIMBERLYцитирует2 года назад
    I think love is a concept, and each person has an individual word for what sums it up for them. My word for love is “Bree.”
  • Sara Caceresцитирует8 месяцев назад
    Because doing it made me feel like you were coming back, like you’d be home soon.
  • Sara Caceresцитирует8 месяцев назад
    love was all about learning to speak a person’s language.
  • Sara Caceresцитирует8 месяцев назад
    You brought the silence,

    The most beautiful sound I’d ever heard,

    Because it was where you were.

    And now you’ve taken it away.
  • Sara Caceresцитирует8 месяцев назад
    Only you, only ever you.
  • Fjite 24цитирует2 года назад
    then continued in sign so that he would have to look back at me.
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