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RWpod — подкаст про мир Ruby и Web технологии

RWpod — подкаст про мир Ruby и Web технологии (для тех, кому нравится мыслить в Ruby стиле).
    RWpodдобавил аудиокнигу на полкуRWpod — подкаст про мир Ruby и Web технологиивчера
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    * Ruby 3.4.0 preview2 Released
    * Rails Versions,,, and have been released!
    * Rails 7.1 Raises Error On Assignment To Readonly Attributes.
    * Rails 7.1 Supports Multiple Preview Paths For Mailers.
    * What's New in Ruby on Rails 8
    * Monkey Patch Detection in Ruby
    * What is Rack? []


    * Node v23.0.0 (Current) []
    * The story of web framework Hono, from the creator of Hono
    * Liskov’s Gun: The parallel evolution of React and Web Components
    * Docx - easily generate and modify .docx files with JS/TS
    * Fast-grid - the world's most performant DOM-based web table
    * ChordSymbol - the definitive chord symbol parser and renderer for
    Javascript/NodeJS []
    RWpodдобавил аудиокнигу на полкуRWpod — подкаст про мир Ruby и Web технологии15 дней назад
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    * Rails 8.0 Beta 1: No PaaS Required
    * Eliminating Intermediate Array Allocations
    * Measuring the Impact of Feature Flags in Ruby on Rails with AppSignal
    * Migrating from Devise to Rails Auth before you can say "Rails World keynote"
    * Leveraging Turbo 8: Best Additions to Implement in Rails 8 Projects
    * How to Fix Tricky Sidekiq Memory Issues


    * Announcing VoidZero - Next Generation Toolchain for JavaScript
    * Pattern Matching proposal []
    * Tauri 2.0 Stable Release []
    * ESLint now officially supports linting of JSON and Markdown
    * Node vs Bun: no backend performance difference
    * Qrframe - code-based qr code generator []
    * Doc-avatar - tiny web component that shows a unique'ish SVG based document
    icon depending on a name []
    RWpodдобавил аудиокнигу на полкуRWpod — подкаст про мир Ruby и Web технологии23 дня назад
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    * Solid Queue 1.0 released []
    * Rails 7.1 Adds Support For Logging Background Job Enqueue Callers
    * Announcing Hotwire Native
    * How Propshaft Works: A Rails Asset-Pipeline (Visual) Breakdown
    * Lightweight introduction to mruby
    * Building Ruby on Rails engines
    * Organize your Rails codebase with aaa engines
    * Debugging a memory-leaking action


    * PostgreSQL 17 Released!
    * Deno 2.0 Release Candidate []
    * Storybook 8.3 []
    * What's New in Express.js v5.0
    * Schedule-X - an event calendar focused on covering the needs of modern web
    apps []
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    * Ruby's default parser switches from parse.y to Prism
    * Rails Adds The Ability To Ignore Counter Cache Columns While They Are
    * Securing Rails Active Storage Direct Uploads
    * RSpec Stubs The Object In Memory
    * Design Patterns in Ruby []


    * v4.0 is out with first-class time zones support!
    * Astro 5.0 Beta Release []
    * Fastify v5 is Now Officially Released!
    * Don't Sleep on AbortController
    * Math4Devs - list of mathematical symbols with their JavaScript equivalent
    * React 19 Cheat Sheet []
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    * Rails 7.1 Adds Support For Composite Key Multi-Column Ordering In
    * Critical CVE in Ruby-SAML []
    * Ruby on Rails 7.1: Partial Strict Locals and Their Gotchas
    * C vs. Ruby+YJIT: I2C Edition
    * Upgrade Ruby using dual boot
    * Comment your regular expressions


    * Express.js 5.0 released
    * The State of ES5 on the Web
    * Local-First Vector Database with RxDB and transformers.js
    * The web's clipboard, and how it stores data of different types
    * Valtio - proxy turns the object you pass it into a self-aware proxy, allowing
    fine-grained subscription and reactivity when making state updates
    * Violentmonkey - an open source userscript manager
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    * Ruby 3.3.5 Released
    * Rails 7.1 Adds *_deliver Callbacks To ActionMailer
    * The Thread API : Concurrent, colorless Ruby
    * How to load a lazy loaded turbo frame a bit before it scrolls into view
    * Victor - a lightweight, zero-dependencies Ruby library that lets you build
    SVG images using Ruby code []
    * Allgood - Rails gem for health checks []
    * Dependent Fields with Hotwire (video)


    * Announcing Vue 3.5 []
    * Announcing Rspack 1.0 []
    * An SSR Performance Showdown
    * The fastest JS color library []
    * How I Created a 3.78MB Docker Image for a JavaScript Service
    * How to Use React Compiler – A Complete Guide
    RWpodдобавил аудиокнигу на полкуRWpod — подкаст про мир Ruby и Web технологии2 месяца назад
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    * Rails 7.2.1 has been released!
    * Rails 7.2 Upgrade Problems (of my own making)
    * Return an Enumerator When Your Collection Has Multiple Traversals
    * You should use the Ruby on Rails logger block syntax
    * Build a modal form with Rails, Turbo, and the dialog element
    * An Introduction to HTTP Caching in Ruby On Rails
    * Temporary_tables - create temporary tables and models in RSpec tests


    * ECMAScript Safe Assignment Operator Proposal
    * Google Angular Lead Sees Convergence in JavaScript Frameworks
    * Regexes Got Good: The History And Future Of Regular Expressions In JavaScript
    * Common Causes of Memory Leaks in JavaScript
    * Sqlite-vec - a vector search SQLite extension
    * Kontra.js - a lightweight JavaScript gaming micro-library created
    specifically for the Js13kGames game jam []
    RWpodдобавил аудиокнигу на полкуRWpod — подкаст про мир Ruby и Web технологии2 месяца назад
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    * Rails 7.2: Better production defaults, Dev containers, new guides design, and
    more! []
    * Rails Warns On Tests Without Assertions
    * Rails 8 introduces a basic authentication generator
    * Sidekiq Iterable Jobs: With Great Power....
    * An Introduction to Nix for Ruby Developers
    * The Rails Router Handbook (book)


    * The Great npm Garbage Patch
    * Announcing Official Puppeteer Support for Firefox
    * Why the with() method of JavaScript Array is a gem?
    * Calendar Link - a JavaScript library to generate an event link for Google
    Calendar, Yahoo! Calendar, Microsoft Outlook, etc
    * Whirl - CSS loading animations []
    * Oops.js: Advanced Undo/Redo Manager []
    RWpodдобавил аудиокнигу на полкуRWpod — подкаст про мир Ruby и Web технологии3 месяца назад
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    * Ruby 3.2.5 Released
    * Rails 7.2 Adds Support For Devcontainer
    * How it became like this? Ruby Range class
    * Best practices for Ruby on Rails data migrations
    * ERB Lint - a tool to help lint your ERB or HTML files using the included
    linters or by writing your own []
    * Pipelight - tiny automation pipelines


    * Node.js module: add --experimental-strip-types
    * How Google handles JavaScript throughout the indexing process
    * Garbage collection and closures
    * International Telephone Input - a JavaScript plugin for entering and
    validating international telephone numbers []
    * Emoji-picker-element - a lightweight emoji picker for the modern web
    RWpodдобавил аудиокнигу на полкуRWpod — подкаст про мир Ruby и Web технологии3 месяца назад
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    * Ronin 2.1.0 finally released!
    * Mastering Ruby Code Navigation: Major Ruby LSP Enhancements in the First Half
    of 2024
    * The librdkafka Supply Chain Breakdown: rdkafka-ruby’s Darkest Hour
    * Hash value omission - an introduction and some examples
    * Bundle_update_interactive - adds an update-interactive command to Bundler


    * Astro 4.12: Server Islands []
    * How to choose the best rendering strategy for your app
    * How Airbnb Smoothly Upgrades React
    * New Uppy 4.0 major: TypeScript rewrite, Google Photos, React hooks, and much
    more []
    * Postal web server - web server offers advanced capabilities for parsing and
    standardizing street addresses []
    RWpodдобавил аудиокнигу на полкуRWpod — подкаст про мир Ruby и Web технологии3 месяца назад
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    * Rails Adds SKIP_TEST_DATABASE_TRUNCATE Flag To Speed Up Multi Process Test
    * Mid-Year Review: IRB and Rails Console Enhancements in the First Half of 2024
    * Ruby methods are colorless
    * Exercise: Minesweeper in 100 lines of clean Ruby
    * Lamby v6 - simple Rails & AWS Lambda integration using Rack


    * Fake AWS Packages Ship Command and Control Malware In JPEG Files
    * A guide to reading and writing Node.js streams
    * Maska - a simple zero-dependency input mask library
    * Poku v2.0.0 - a cross-platform test runner
    * dotJS 2024 (videos)
    RWpodдобавил аудиокнигу на полкуRWpod — подкаст про мир Ruby и Web технологии3 месяца назад
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    * Ruby 3.3.4 Released
    * Introducing GoodJob v4 []
    * MiniMagick v5.0.0
    * Finding Memory Leaks in the Ruby Ecosystem
    * RailsConf 2024 (Detroit) (videos)


    * React Flow 12 release []
    * TinyBase v5 - the reactive data store for local‑first apps
    * What's coming next for ESLint
    * Es-toolkit - a modern JavaScript utility library that's 2-3 times faster and
    up to 97% smaller []
    * Sneaky React Memory Leaks: How the React compiler won't save you
    RWpodдобавил аудиокнигу на полкуRWpod — подкаст про мир Ruby и Web технологии4 месяца назад
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    * Ruby 3.3.3 Released
    * Iteration and Sidekiq 7.3.0
    * Ruby: a great language for shell scripts!
    * So We've Got a Memory Leak…
    * Awesome Ruby - curated list of ruby libraries and tools


    * Announcing TypeScript 5.5
    * New JavaScript Set methods
    * How React 19 (Almost) Made the Internet Slower
    * State of JavaScript 2023 Survey []
    RWpodдобавил аудиокнигу на полкуRWpod — подкаст про мир Ruby и Web технологии4 месяца назад
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    * Bundler Auto-Install Just Got A Whole Lot Better
    * 3 Mental Models For Ruby Enumerators
    * Lesser Known Rails Helpers to Write Cleaner View Code
    * WahWah - an audio metadata reader Ruby gem, it supports many popular formats
    * Omakub - an Omakase Developer Setup for Ubuntu 24.04 by DHH
    * Hotwire Combobox (video)


    * Promises From The Ground Up
    * Introducing the ESLint Configuration Migrator
    * Data Fetching Patterns in Single-Page Applications
    * Full Stack Web Push API Guide
    * Motion Canvas - create dynamic canvas-rendered animations
    * Zigar - software tool set that lets you utilize Zig code in your JavaScript
    project []
    * PKIjs - a Typescript implementation of the most common formats and algorithms
    needed to build PKI-enabled applications
    RWpodдобавил аудиокнигу на полкуRWpod — подкаст про мир Ruby и Web технологии5 месяцев назад
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    * Ruby 3.3.2 Released
    * ActiveRecord::Relation#order Adds Support For Hash Values In Rails 7.2
    * PostgreSQL Adapter Now Decodes Columns Of Type Date To Date Instead Of String
    In Rails 7.2
    * Why, after 6 years, I’m over GraphQL
    * PBT - property-based testing in Ruby []
    * David Heinemeier Hansson on SQLite (video)


    * How we used esbuild to reduce our browser extension build times by 90%
    * 10 modern Node.js runtime features to start using in 2024
    * Why We Need a Standard JavaScript ORM for SQL Databases
    * Inertia.js 1.1 - build SPAs for any backend []
    * ShareDB - a realtime database backend based on Operational Transformation
    (OT) of JSON documents []
    * The JavaScript problem: Why Rails and Laravel won (video)
    RWpodдобавил аудиокнигу на полкуRWpod — подкаст про мир Ruby и Web технологии5 месяцев назад
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    * Rails Versions, and have been released!
    * Strict Loading Using :n_plus_one_only Mode Does Not Eagerly Load Child
    Associations In Rails 7.2
    * Namespaces - possibly a key future ruby feature
    * People shouldn't ask if Rails is dead! They should ask how long Rails has
    been dead!
    * IRB Kit - a suite of extensions for IRB


    * Angular v18 is now available!
    * SolidStart 1.0: The Shape of Frameworks to Come
    * Understand errors and warnings better with Gemini
    * Coding my handwriting
    * Signature Pad 5.0 - smooth signature drawing control
    * Brainchop - in-browser 3D MRI rendering and segmentation
    RWpodдобавил аудиокнигу на полкуRWpod — подкаст про мир Ruby и Web технологии5 месяцев назад
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    * Ruby 3.4.0 preview1 Released
    * CVE-2024-35176: DoS in REXML
    * Ruby 3.4, No More TypeError With **nil As It Is Treated As An Empty Hash
    * Ruby 3.4, Range#size Now Raises TypeError If The Range Is Not Iterable
    * Why you should nest modules in Ruby
    * Dependabot-core is now open source with an MIT license
    * Ruby-git - a Ruby library that can be used to create, read and manipulate Git
    repositories by wrapping system calls to the git binary


    * React Compiler []
    * How to document your JavaScript package
    * ECMAScript proposal: Promise.withResolvers()
    * Vue Fluid DnD is a fluid and smooth drag and drop solution for lists on Vue3
    full animated []
    * GraphQL Yoga - the fully-featured GraphQL Server with focus on easy setup,
    performance and great developer experience
    * Web Platform Dashboard []
    * React-google-maps makes using the Google Maps JavaScript API in React
    applications easy []
    RWpodдобавил аудиокнигу на полкуRWpod — подкаст про мир Ruby и Web технологии5 месяцев назад
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    * Enhancing Data Integrity With validate_foreign_key In Rails
    * Debugging in Ruby with pry-byebug
    * Gepub - generic EPUB parser/generator library
    * Ruby Science by thoughtbot
    * John Hawthorn | Vernier: A next Generation Ruby Profiler (video)


    * New Disposable APIs in Javascript
    * Why Patching Globals Is Harmful
    * Why React Query? []
    * Fabric.js - simple and powerful Javascript HTML5 canvas library
    * Pintora - extensible text-to-diagrams library []
    RWpodдобавил аудиокнигу на полкуRWpod — подкаст про мир Ruby и Web технологии6 месяцев назад
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    * JRuby Released []
    * Fixing a footgun in ActiveRecord::Core#inspect
    * Explaining Thruster, a new 37signals gem that speeds up your app
    * Choosing the Right Audit Trail Approach in Ruby
    * Backup strategies for SQLite in production


    * Svelte 5 Release Candidate
    * How To Cancel Any Async Task in JavaScript
    * A tricky pitfall of Promise.all() and a solution
    * The problem with new URL(), and how URL.parse() fixes that
    * Extension.js - a plug-and-play, zero-config, cross-browser extension
    development tool for browser extensions []
    * Troto - TypeScript to Protobuf transpiler
    RWpodдобавил аудиокнигу на полкуRWpod — подкаст про мир Ruby и Web технологии6 месяцев назад
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    * Ruby 3.3.1 Released
    * ActiveRecord::Base#pluck adds support for hash values in Rails 7.2
    * Autotuner: How to Speed Up Your Rails App
    * Ruby might be faster than you think
    * The Future of Ruby and Rails in the Age of AI
    * Meta's new ai chat sucks at coding


    * Node v22.0.0 []
    * Pnpm 9.0 []
    * React 19 Beta []
    * React Native 0.74 []
    * The Intl.Segmenter object is now part of Baseline
    * Everything about the AbortSignals (timeouts, combining signals, and how to
    use it with window.fetch)
    * Hello Bun: How Sveld now deploys 2x faster on GitHub and Render
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