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Head of Zeus

Head of Zeus (HoZ)
Head of Zeus, an independent publishing house dedicated to new authors, great storytelling, and beautiful books
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    In early 1145, subsiding flood waters reveal a robbery has been committed on church grounds, and Brother Cadfael thinks the robbery is connected to a murder.
    Head of Zeus (HoZ)добавил книгу на полкуHead of Zeus8 дней назад
    Acclaimed fantasy debut introducing a ripsnorting swords and sorcery adventure, inspired by the tales of One Thousand and One Nights. THE CHRONICLE OF SWORD & SAND: Baghdad, AD 790. Caliph Harun al-Rashid presides over the greatest metropolis on Earth, ruler of an empire stretches from China to Byzantium. His exploits will be recorded in Alf Layla or, as we know it, The Book of One Thousand and One Nights. But The Thousand and One Nights are silent on the deeds and adventures that befell two of the Caliph's subjects: the renowned scholar Dabir ibn Kahlil, and his shield and right hand, Asim el Abbas. For their story, we must turn to the Chronicle of Sand and Sword… THE DESERT OF SOULS: Amid the trackless sands of ancient Arabia, two companions – a swordsman and a scholar – search for the ruins of the lost city of Ubar. Before their quest is over, they will battle necromancers and animated corpses, they will confront a creature that has traded wisdom for the souls of men since the dawn of time and they will fight to save a city's soul.
    Head of Zeus (HoZ)добавил книгу на полкуHead of Zeus10 дней назад
    A novel of love, death and aristocracy in twenties London.
    Consider Vivien in November 1922. She is twenty-four, and a spinster. She wears fashionably droopy clothes, but she is plain and — worse — intelligent. Fortunately, Vivien is rich, so she can bribe a man to marry her. What nobody knows is that Vivien is pregnant, and will die in childbirth in just a few months…
    Head of Zeus (HoZ)добавил книгу на полкуHead of Zeus13 дней назад
    The Pyramid Texts were carved onto the walls of burial chambers in royal pyramids 4,000 years ago. They have intrigued scholars, mystics and historians ever since they were discovered in 1881. They have usually been misconstrued as a garbled collection of primitive myths and incantations, relegating their radiant fusion of philosophy, scientific inquiry, and religion to obscurity. Translations of the texts often reduce them to gibberish. Yet these writings are in fact among the world's oldest poetry, cosmological speculations and reflections on nature.
    Susan Brind Morrow has recast The Pyramid Texts as a coherent work of art, arguing that they should be recognized as a formative event in the evolution of human thought. The result is a work of beautiful and intelligent literature, alongside a persuasive argument for The Pyramid Texts' central importance to the history of language.
    Head of Zeus (HoZ)добавил книгу на полкуHead of Zeus2 месяца назад
    The violent and predatory society of Dark Age Scandinavia left a unique impact on the history of medieval Europe. From their chill northern fastness, Norse warriors, explorers and merchants raided, traded, and settled across wide areas of Europe, Asia and the North Atlantic from the late 8th to the mid-11th century.
    THE VIKING CHRONICLES narrates their story region by region, focusing on places where key events were played out, from the sack of Lindisfarne in 793 to the murder in Iceland in 1241 of the saga-writer Snorri Sturluson. Such episodes are fascinating in themselves, but also shed crucial light on the nature of Viking activity – its causes, effects, and the reasons for its decline.
    In 800 the Scandinavians were barbarians in longboats bent on plunder and rapine; by 1200, their homelands were an integral part of Latin Christendom. John Haywood tells, in authoritative but compellingly readable fashion, the extraordinary story of the dawning, the high noon and the long twilight of the Viking Age.
    Head of Zeus (HoZ)добавил книгу на полкуHead of Zeus2 месяца назад
    For Ben Ellison, his job with a prestigious law firm is a safe haven from the espionage world that almost killed him. But when the director of the CIA is killed, Ben's old employers want him back…
    Not only must Ben track down the killers, but also a multi-million dollar fortune in gold, spirited out of Russia in the last days of the Soviet Union.
    Head of Zeus (HoZ)добавил книгу на полкуHead of Zeus3 месяца назад
    A PHOENIX COLD CASE: David Mapstone has returned to Phoenix, Arizona, the desert city he left behind a lifetime ago. The ex-cop, ex-history professor is working the police dept's cold case desk, unearthing long-buried secrets. And he's good at it: as an ex-historian Mapstone knows the past is never past, as an ex-cop he knows he can't trust anybody…
    SOUTH PHOENIX RULES: Jax Delgado, a New York professor in Phoenix to research his next book has been tortured, murdered, his head severed and sent to his girlfriend. It shouldn't be an assignment for Mapstone, but the girlfriend in question just happens to his sister-in-law, Robin.
    Delgado's murder has all the hallmarks of drug cartel execution, and Mapstone fears Robin could be the next target. But is she as innocent as she claims? And why would a professor be targeted by a drug cartel? Mapstone's investigation will compel him to cross the line into South Phoenix, a world that plays by a different set of rules: South Phoenix Rules.
    Head of Zeus (HoZ)добавил книгу на полкуHead of Zeus3 месяца назад
    WELCOME TO ROMAN BRITAIN. It is almost fifty years since the legions invaded but Britannia is still a raw, frontier province. Tensions run high, especially in the north, where Aurelia Marcella, a young Roman woman fled from the ruins of Pompeii, runs the Oak Tree Inn on the road to York.
    DANGER IN THE WIND. On fine summer's morning in 100 AD, Aurelia awakes to two unusual events: a soldier murdered in his bed, and a letter arrived from Isurium and her cousin, Jovina, inviting Aurelia to a midsummer birthday party. But the missive also reads as a plea for help, referring to 'danger in the wind'. The murdered soldier also bore a message, locked in Aurelia's strongbox, indicating violence would erupt at the very same fort on the day of the party. At Isurium, Aurelia finds Jovina and her drunken husband and unruly children caught in a tangled web of greed, love, intrigue, and death. When violence engulfs the district, Aurelia suddenly finds herself in peril from enemies engaged in an anti-Roman plot and from family members bent on misguided or evil agendas of their own.
    Head of Zeus (HoZ)добавил книгу на полкуHead of Zeus3 месяца назад
    MEDIEVAL MYSTERY: On a remote East Anglian coast stands Tyndal Priory, which belongs to the Order of Fontevraud where monks and nuns live and work in close proximity. Prioress Eleanor of Wynethorpe, young and inexperienced, has just been controversially appointed by King Henry III.
    TYRANT OF THE MIND: Winter, 1271. The shadow of death falls over Castle Wynethorpe on the Welsh border. Eleanor's nephew's life hangs in the balance, and she is summoned home tend him with prayers and healing talents. But death will not be denied. The chill that pervades the castle stems not just from the bitter winter besieging it, but also from the murderous tensions that afflict its occupants. Soon after Eleanor arrives, her brother, bloody dagger in hand, is found standing over the corpse of his oldest friend.
    Unable to believe that her brother is a murderer, Eleanor sets out to prove his innocence before he meets his fate on the hangman's gibbet.
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    On a remote East Anglian coast stands Tyndal Priory, home to a rare monastic order where men and women live and work together in close proximity. Twenty-year-old Eleanor of Wynethorpe has been appointed prioress by Henry III over the elected choice of the priory itself. Young and inexperienced, Eleanor will face a grave struggle – in a place dedicated to love and peace, she will find little of either.
    In March, 1279, Edward I takes a break from hammering the Welsh and bearing down on England's Jews to vacation in Gloucestershire. The royal party breaks the journey at Woodstock Manor. And there one life begins as Queen Eleanor labours to birth a new daughter, and one draws to an end when apoplexy fells Baron Adam Wynethorpe.
    Hotfoot to the baron's deathbed comes his elder son, Hugh, a veteran of Edward I’s Crusades, who can’t shake off the battle horrors he’s witnessed. The baron's daughter, Prioress Eleanor, has already arrived, bringing along both her sub-infirmarian, Sister Anne, and the monk, Brother Thomas, to tend her father. Awaiting Hugh is his bastard son, Richard, a youth filled with rebellion and a secret.
    The royal manor is packed with troubling guests including a sinister priest, an elderly Jewish mother from nearby Oxford mourning a son hanged for the treason of coin-clipping, contentious and greedy courtiers, and a lusty wife engaged with more than one lover. Quite soon, the wife is found hanged. Eleanor and Sister Anne persuade the High Sheriff of Berkshire that Mistress Hawis death was not a suicide. In fact, many at the manor had reason to wish Hawis dead.
    Head of Zeus (HoZ)добавил книгу на полкуHead of Zeus3 месяца назад
    On a remote East Anglian coast stands Tyndal Priory, home to a rare monastic order where men and women live and work together in close proximity. Twenty-year-old Eleanor of Wynethorpe has been appointed prioress by Henry III over the elected choice of the priory itself. Young and inexperienced, Eleanor will face a grave struggle – in a place dedicated to love and peace, she will find little of either.
    Prioress Eleanor knows something is terribly amiss. The situation turns calamitous when Davoir's sick clerk dies from a potion sent by Sister Anne, Tyndal's sub-infirmarian. Is Sister Anne guilty of simple incompetence or murder? Or, Davoir asks, did Prioress Eleanor order the death to frighten him away before he discovered the truth behind accusations she is unfit for her position? When Davoir himself is threatened, the priest roars for justice. Even expectant father Crowner Ralf, the local representative of the king's justice, has lost all objectivity. The most likely suspects are Anne, the woman Ralf once loved, the prioress he respects, and the Tyndal monk, Thomas, who is his closest friend. Who among the French and English assembled at Tyndal has succumbed to Satan's lullaby?
    Head of Zeus (HoZ)добавил книгу на полкуHead of Zeus3 месяца назад
    The diamond earrings worn by Marilyn Monroe wore in Some Like It Hot have been stolen. They were last seen at a benefit that took place the same night magician Alan Mitchell was killed in Kyle Tierney's bar, with Cristina the bartender as a witness. Kyle served his time, and Cristina is back in town… But with one private eye already gunned down on the search, should Cat De Luca try her hand at finding the jewels?
    Head of Zeus (HoZ)добавил книгу на полкуHead of Zeus3 месяца назад
    A PHOENIX COLD CASE: The desert city of Phoenix, Arizona, has its secrets and its not accustomed to giving them up easily. Ex-cop Mike Peralta and cold case expert David Mapstone have left the law behind and formed a detective agency to unearth them. And it's started badly…
    THE NIGHT DETECTIVES: Moments after hiring them, their first client is gunned down. And the deaths don't stop there. Someone is killing their customers, killing everyone connected with their cases, and is now coming for them.
    The answer will lead Mapstone and Peralta into the world of human trafficking, corrupt politics, and the white supremacist movement.
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    A medieval pilgrim harbours murderous intentions towards the King. Can Prioress Eleanor stop him before it's too late?
    Prioress Eleanor of Tyndal is on a pilgrimage, looking for peace and respite, when rumours spread that King Edward is on his way, seeking God's blessing for his recent invasion of Wales. Lurking in this sacred place, however, is an assassin with murderous treason in mind. When a nun falls to her death from the priory bell tower, is it a tragic accident, or a sign of what's to come?
    Although far away from the gossipy village of Tyndal, Eleanor, like a medieval Miss Marple, must use all her wit, wisdom and insight to unravel the clues to the case.
    But can Eleanor expose the killer in their midst, or will she too fall victim to one who has made a covenant with hell?
    Head of Zeus (HoZ)добавил книгу на полкуHead of Zeus3 месяца назад
    A MEDIEVAL MYSTERY: On a remote East Anglian coast stands Tyndal Priory, home to a rare monastic order where men and women live and work together in close proximity. Twenty-year-old Eleanor of Wynethorpe has been appointed prioress by Henry III over the elected choice of the priory itself. Young and inexperienced, Eleanor will face a grave struggle – in a place dedicated to love and peace, she will find little of either.
    SANCTITY OF HATE: Summer, 1276: Tyndal Priory is peaceful – or was until the corpse of a deceitful and unpopular man is found floating in the millpond. The list of suspects is long, but the villagers of Tyndal are certain they know who the killer is. They demand that a Jew made homeless by King Edward's Statute of the Jewry is hanged for the crime. While the lynch mob gathers, Prioress Eleanor has to ask herself why are they so keen to convict a stranger – a refugee only stopped in the village while his wife gives birth – for the murder of a man none of them could stand?
    Head of Zeus (HoZ)добавил книгу на полкуHead of Zeus3 месяца назад
    The frontier province of Bithynia is a cesspit of sedition, rotten with corruption and seething with hatred of Rome. When a rich Roman official is found dead on a desolate hillside; two riderless horses tethered in a nearby wood, it is assumed he was killed as a protest against Emperor Trajan's unlimited power.
    But Pliny the Younger, newly appointed Governor of Bithynia, is not so sure.
    Who was the other rider? What were the two of them doing in the middle of nowhere? And what links this murder to a secret cult of the Persian sun god, Mithras — the Bull Slayer?
    Head of Zeus (HoZ)добавил книгу на полкуHead of Zeus3 месяца назад
    DEATH IN BYZANTIUM: At the heart of what is left of the Roman Empire, lies a city simmering with intrigue & treachery. Amid this maelstrom stands John, a slave who has risen to become the right hand of Justinian, the greatest of Byzantium's emperors. With violence and murder commonplace, it is John's skills as an investigator that the Emperor prizes the most. NINE FOR THE DEVIL: The year is 548 and Empress Theodora is dead, the victim of cancer. Or so everyone believes — everyone except the Emperor himself.
    Justinian orders John to find the murderer or suffer the consequences. It is an impossible investigation: there is no sign of foul play, but there are many at imperial court (including John himself) who had good reason to want Theodora dead…
    Head of Zeus (HoZ)добавил книгу на полкуHead of Zeus3 месяца назад
    DEATH IN BYZANTIUM: At the heart of what is left of the Roman Empire, lies a city simmering with intrigue & treachery. Amid this maelstrom stands John, a slave who has risen to become the right hand of Justinian, the greatest of Byzantium's emperors. With violence and murder commonplace, it is John's skills as an investigator that the Emperor prizes the most. EIGHT FOR ETERNITY. January, 532: riots engulf Constantinople. To some the riots portend the end of the empire, to others the end of the world itself. Against a murderous backdrop lit by raging fires and rampaging mobs, John must untangle a web of intrigue and treachery before the emperor himself is deposed.
    Head of Zeus (HoZ)добавил книгу на полкуHead of Zeus3 месяца назад
    DEATH IN BYZANTIUM: At the heart of what is left of the Roman Empire, lies a city simmering with intrigue & treachery. Amid this maelstrom stands John, a slave who has risen to become the right hand of Justinian, the greatest of Byzantium's emperors. With violence and murder commonplace, it is John's skills as an investigator that the Emperor prizes the most. SEVEN FOR A SECRET. AD 542: An enigmatic young woman claims she has a secret for John. But before she can reveal it, her red-dyed corpse is found in a subterranean cistern. Who was she? What was her secret? John is intrigued by her resemblance to a solemn-eyed little girl depicted in a mosaic in the palace. His quest to discover her secrets will test his loyalty and endanger his life.
    Head of Zeus (HoZ)добавил книгу на полкуHead of Zeus3 месяца назад
    DEATH IN BYZANTIUM: At the heart of what is left of the Roman Empire, lies a city simmering with intrigue & treachery. Amid this maelstrom stands John, a slave who has risen to become the right hand of Justinian, the greatest of Byzantium's emperors. With violence and murder commonplace, it is John's skills as an investigator that the Emperor prizes the most. SIX FOR GOLD: AD 542. John is chained and imprisoned, accused of murdering an imperial senator – and worse a favourite of the infamous empress Theodora. His life is almost certainly forfeit but Justinian spirits him out of Constantinople and to a remote Egyptian shrine. Why? And what is the connection between a series of brutal deaths in this remote outpost and what happened in Constantinople? If John can stay alive long enough, he may just find the key to returning home.
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