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Podcast: TED Talks Daily

Want TED Talks on the go? Every weekday, this feed brings you our latest talks in audio format. Hear thought-provoking ideas on every subject imaginable -- from Artificial Intelligence to Zoology, and everything in between -- given by the world's leading thinkers and doers. This collection of talks, given at TED and TEDx conferences around the globe, is also available in video format.
    TEDдобавил аудиокнигу на полкуPodcast: TED Talks Daily6 часов назад
    What does it actually take to make meaningful change? Conservationist Kristine McDivitt Tompkins and playwright and theater director Amir Nizar Zuabi reflect on the deep connection between human suffering and environmental degradation and the community-building power of art to raise awareness. With equal parts hope and concern for the future, they speak to the urgent need to act now — and emphasize the transcendent power of compassion-fueled collaboration. (This conversation is part of “TED Intersections,” a new series featuring thought-provoking conversations between experts exploring ideas at the intersection of their experience.)
    TEDдобавил аудиокнигу на полкуPodcast: TED Talks Dailyвчера
    When playwright David Finnigan staged a play titled "Kill Climate Deniers" in 2014, he knew it'd get a strong reaction. What he wasn't prepared for was the idea that the blowback might actually cause him to rethink his own response to climate change. But as he shares in this delightfully engaging talk, his conversations with skeptics of all stripes ultimately taught him a fresh and fascinating lesson about how we can all think about — and act upon — the climate crisis.
    TEDдобавил аудиокнигу на полкуPodcast: TED Talks Dailyпозавчера
    We waste a staggering one trillion dollars worth of food each year, significantly contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and the climate crisis. Food waste expert Dana Gunders shares innovative solutions to reduce waste — from solar-powered cold rooms to apps that sell discounted restaurant leftovers — and shares tips on how you can keep good food from going to the trash.
    TEDдобавил аудиокнигу на полкуPodcast: TED Talks Daily4 дня назад
    In the United States and Canada, the first Monday of September is a federal holiday, Labor Day. Originally celebrated in New York City’s Union Square in 1882, Labor Day was organized by unions as a rare day of rest for the overworked during the Industrial Revolution. Kenneth C. Davis illustrates the history of Labor Day from Union Square to today.
    TEDдобавил аудиокнигу на полкуPodcast: TED Talks Daily4 дня назад
    How do you get what you want out of a negotiation? United Nations negotiation trainer Alex Carter says the best methods center on recruitment, not rivalry. Whether you're asking for a raise or resolving a family dispute, she offers five simple tips for a successful discussion — starting with one powerful question.
    TEDдобавил аудиокнигу на полкуPodcast: TED Talks Daily6 дней назад
    Each Sunday, TED shares an episode of another podcast we think you'll love, handpicked for you… by us. Today we're sharing a special episode of Fixable, TED's business advice call-in show, hosted by Anne Morriss and Frances Frei.Where do bullies go when they grow up? New research shows they just move from the playground to the workplace. This week, Master Fixer and social psychologist Amy Cuddy joins Anne and Frances to walk us through the strikingly stable patterns bullies follow to undermine and ostracize their targets – patterns that are way more common than you might think. Get part two of this conversation where Cuddy details actions you can take to stop bullies -- and other ways to fix your problems at work -- by finding Fixable wherever you get your podcasts.What problems are you dealing with at work right now? Text 234-FIXABLE or email to be featured on the show.Transcripts for Fixable are available at
    TEDдобавил аудиокнигу на полкуPodcast: TED Talks Daily7 дней назад
    What can acting reveal about the mystery of consciousness? Actor and producer Yara Shahidi and cognitive neuroscientist Anil Seth unpack the surprising ways that portraying different characters can reveal insights about our authentic selves — even if we're not actually performing onstage or onscreen. Explore the intersection of consciousness and identity and discover how our brains and bodies work in tandem to form our understanding of ourselves. (This conversation is part of “TED Intersections,” a series featuring thought-provoking conversations between experts navigating the ideas shaping our world.)
    TEDдобавил аудиокнигу на полкуPodcast: TED Talks Daily8 дней назад
    Many of the jobs that keep the world running — like cleaning bathrooms, picking up trash, caring for the elderly — pay so poorly that workers can barely make ends meet. Nonprofit leader Zeynep Ton is intent on changing that, showing why everyone wins when companies pay their people livable wages and offer opportunities for growth.
    TEDдобавил аудиокнигу на полкуPodcast: TED Talks Daily9 дней назад
    Drawing on her research into the science of play, evolutionary biologist Carole K. Hooven delves into how testosterone impacts the body and brain, interacting with culture to create differences in human behavior — starting with why boys tend to prefer rougher play than girls.
    TEDдобавил аудиокнигу на полкуPodcast: TED Talks Daily10 дней назад
    How do you find yourself when you belong to two seemingly opposing cultures? Embracing the paradoxes of dual identity, creative disruptor Farhad Mohit explores how being both Iranian and American allows him to navigate the tension between independence and interdependence, progress and presence — and to live fully in the here and now.
    TEDдобавил аудиокнигу на полкуPodcast: TED Talks Daily11 дней назад
    The basic infrastructure that controls plumbing, electricity and more is vital to your individual agency, says engineering professor Deb Chachra. She offers a crash course on how these systems connect to shape our lives — and suggests some key improvements for providing long-term, sustainable energy to everyone.
    TEDдобавил аудиокнигу на полкуPodcast: TED Talks Daily11 дней назад
    When we avoid feeling awkward, we often miss an opportunity for growth, says workplace performance expert Henna Pryor. She shares tips on embracing discomfort for the sake of self-betterment and shows how pushing past the "cringe chasm" — the gap between how we perceive ourselves and how others see us — can open up chances to get ahead at work and in life.
    TEDдобавил аудиокнигу на полкуPodcast: TED Talks Daily13 дней назад
    Join Elise as she interviews TED speakers about their latest books and delves deep into their ideas.Social psychologist Jonathan Haidt's latest book, “The Anxious Generation,” is shaping cultural conversations -- and sparking fierce debates. The #1 NYT best seller investigates the mental health crisis among young people, and argues the cause is clear: a smartphone-based childhood, amplified by overprotective parenting. Informed by Jonathan's work, there is an international movement to limit cellphones in schools and families. But is that the right path forward? And if it is, how do you shift something so socially entrenched? Join Elise, Jonathan and TED Members for a lively exploration of these questions and more. This live conversation was recorded as part of the TED membership program. TED Members are invited to attend our live recordings and participate in Q&As with authors. To join in on the fun, sign up at
    TEDдобавил аудиокнигу на полкуPodcast: TED Talks Daily14 дней назад
    Who gets to be an entrepreneur? Saamra Mekuria-Grillo says the image we most commonly see — a guy in a hoodie — is a limiting representation of entrepreneurial success. She highlights the importance of young Black people seeing entrepreneurship as a possibility for themselves and explains the key to making the field more inclusive.
    TEDдобавил аудиокнигу на полкуPodcast: TED Talks Daily15 дней назад
    Small Indigenous communities make up only five percent of the world's population, but they defend 80 percent of the biodiversity that remains on Earth, says war reporter Anjan Sundaram. He paints a picture of Mexico's embattled ecological frontlines, where invisible heroes are fighting corporations and cartels alike to save our planet's last natural ecosystems.
    TEDдобавил аудиокнигу на полкуPodcast: TED Talks Daily16 дней назад
    Africa's smallholder farmers feed millions of people and uplift economies, yet they often lack the basic resources needed to thrive, says agricultural scientist and policymaker Agnes Kalibata. She outlines how to empower these farmers with better tools, climate resilience strategies and market access — so they can continue to nourish humanity while caring for the planet.
    TEDдобавил аудиокнигу на полкуPodcast: TED Talks Daily17 дней назад
    "I'm not a pacifist, but in the end, war is the greatest human rights abuse and does not make the world safer," says Gabrielle Rifkind, director of the Oxford Process, an organization dedicated to ending armed conflict. She shares how inclusive negotiating strategies can prevent war from breaking out or stop an ongoing conflict — and shows what we can do to make peace real for all.
    TEDдобавил аудиокнигу на полкуPodcast: TED Talks Daily18 дней назад
    Malaria is a disease as old as humankind, yet we may be closer than ever to eliminating it, says medical entomologist Abdoulaye Diabaté. He explains the potential of "gene drive" technology — which aims to disrupt mosquito reproduction as a means of halting malaria transmission in Africa — and shows how his team is partnering with local communities to solve this public health challenge.
    TEDдобавил аудиокнигу на полкуPodcast: TED Talks Daily19 дней назад
    The clean energy transition has a major blind spot, says energy equity expert Sheila Ngozi Oparaocha: it ignores millions of people without access to energy. Highlighting grassroots women's organizations leading the charge towards universal access, she makes a powerful call to prioritize gender equality in energy policies — and to create a sustainable future where no one is left in the dark.
    TEDдобавил аудиокнигу на полкуPodcast: TED Talks Daily19 дней назад
    You can't just "find" motivation, says scientist Ayelet Fishbach — you have to learn how to motivate yourself. She shares a handful of tips backed by 20 years of motivation research, offering surprisingly simple wisdom on how to optimize your goals, set yourself up for success and avoid the tempting calls of procrastination.
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