For that which happens equally to him who lives contrary to nature and to him who lives according to nature, is neither according to nature nor contrary to nature.
Peter Gazaryanцитирует3 месяца назад
Do not be carried along inconsiderately by the appearance of things, but give help to all according to thy ability and their fitness;
Peter Gazaryanцитирует3 месяца назад
Everything which happens is as familiar and well known as the rose in spring and the fruit in summer; for such is disease, and death, and calumny, and treachery, and whatever else delights fools or vexes them.
Peter Gazaryanцитирует3 месяца назад
It is no evil for things to undergo change, and no good for things to subsist in consequence of change.
Brehan Sharafцитирует4 месяца назад
piety and beneficence, and abstinence
التقوى و الايمان و التعفف
Umar Farooqцитирует9 месяцев назад
From my mother, piety and beneficence, and abstinence, not only from evil deeds, but even from evil thoughts; and further, simplicity in my way of living, far removed from the habits of the rich.
b6107407111цитируетв прошлом году
longer be pulled by the strings like a puppet to unsocial movements, no longer either be dissatisfied with thy present lot, or shrink from the future.
b6107407111цитируетв прошлом году
Throw away thy books; no longer distract thyself
b6107407111цитируетв прошлом году
BEGIN the morning by saying to thyself, I shall meet with the busy-body, the ungrateful, arrogant, deceitful, envious, unsocial.