Stockbrokers (or ‘equity salesmen’ or ‘brokers’) sell investment advice to professional investors (‘fund managers’ or ‘clients’) in return for commission.
Alexander Sokolovцитирует7 лет назад
Don’t pick up the phone. You’ve got nothing useful to say. Do something else
chernishevanas52134цитирует7 лет назад
What might appear to be a remote but corrupt oasis of privilege is in fact a giant oak tree that towers over the global economy, affecting each and every one of us.
Александр Нечаевцитирует7 лет назад
Analysts don’t always believe what they write (and vice versa).
Alexander Sokolovцитирует7 лет назад
More often than not British Telecom didn’t get a bid approach on Monday. You were just passing on the same worthless rumour someone had told you in an attempt to appear well informed. Whatever the reality a client would often thank you for it – some people love a bit of intrigue.
Alexander Sokolovцитирует7 лет назад
In his capacity as Bursar for King’s College, Cambridge, Keynes wrote in 1938 that ‘a speculator is one who runs risks of which he is aware and an investor is one who runs risks of which he is unaware’.
Alexander Sokolovцитирует7 лет назад
c) Call or email the client and tell him something relevant (ie about a stock/issue he has been following
Alexander Sokolovцитирует7 лет назад
Bluffing requires the least effort and is hence the most common response. The world of finance is built on bluff and counter-bluff.
Alexander Sokolovцитирует7 лет назад
there’s no better proof of credit worthiness than a Bloomberg account
Alexander Sokolovцитирует7 лет назад
‘I’m now convinced that the worst thing a man can do with a telephone, without breaking the law, is to call someone he doesn’t know and try to sell that person something he doesn’t want.’ — MICHAEL LEWIS, Liar’s Poker