
Zadig / Or, The Book of Fate

  • b8105436474цитирует8 лет назад
    This Assurance of Success, together with Cador’s personal Merit, determin’d Azora in his Favour. After all, said she, when my Husband shall be about to cross the Bridge Tchimavar, from this World of Yesterday, to the other, of To-morrow, will the Angel Asrael, think you, make any Scruple about his Passage, should his Nose prove something shorter in the next Life than ’twas in this?
  • b8105436474цитирует8 лет назад
    the Midst of their Midnight Entertainment, Cador all on a sudden complain’d that he was taken with a most violent pleuretic Fit, and was ready to swoon away. Our Lady being extremely concern’d, and over-officious, flew to her
  • b8105436474цитирует8 лет назад
    Zadig had an intimate Friend, one Cador by Name, whose Spouse was perfectly honest, and had in reality a greater Regard for him,
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    went, you must know, to visit the disconsolate Widow Cosrou, who has been these two Days erecting a Monument to the Memory of her young deceased Husband, near the Brook that runs on one side of her Meadow. She made the most solemn Vow, in the Height of her Affliction, never to stir from that Tomb, as long as ever that Rivulet took its usual Course.
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    Azora, a young Gentlewoman extremely well-bred, an excellent Oeconomist, and one, whose Parents were very rich.
  • b8105436474цитирует8 лет назад
    Semira he found had been out of Town for three Days; but was inform’d, by the bye, that his intended Spouse, having conceived an implacable Aversion to a one-ey’d Man, was that very Night to be married to Orcan
  • b8105436474цитирует8 лет назад
    Hermes thereupon wrote a very long and elaborate Treatise, to prove that his Wound ought not to have been heal’d. Zadig, however, never thought it worth his while to peruse his learned Lucubrations
  • b8105436474цитирует8 лет назад
    She never reflected on the Danger to which she was expos’d; her sole Concern was for her beloved Zadig.
  • b8105436474цитирует8 лет назад
    he was determin’d to take her away from Zadig, by Dint of Arms.
  • b8105436474цитирует8 лет назад
    This Fit of Jealousy
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