PSF Name: The Village
Poetic Short Film Synopsis:
- Members of village afraid of the night, because of the attacks at night.
- Days are also restless, preparing for the night. That is all they do, every day. Communication with attackers has failed, as the messengers have always lost their way.
- Two village members go to the attackers to beg for a treaty.
- When they arrive, it is discovered that they attacked because they were just celebrating various things, since they were a very celebratory village, celebrating the little things. However, every time they launched they were unaware that there was a village there, because of the mist.
PSF Title: Best President
Poetic Short Film Synopsis:
- Guy didn't do well in school, people called him a failure
- Proved them wrong by becoming president of a country, made country a lot better. Defended well in the attacks.