How to use the Power of Now to silence mental chaos
It is possible to use the Power of Now to silence the mind. The mind tends to keep flitting continuously from thought to thought. To stop this incessant activity, you should focus all your attention on the present moment. Consciously pull your thoughts away from their flitting pattern and bring them back to the present moment. This may seem to be impossible at first. Your mind will tend to wander the moment your attention wavers, but when you notice this happening you should simply disengage your mind again and bring it back to the now. With practice you will find that you can do this for longer and longer periods of time.
It is possible to do this as you are going about your daily activities, too. Simply bring all your focus onto the work you are engaged in at the moment. Experience the activity through all of your senses. For example, if you are having your lunch, experience how the food feels in your mouth, experience the textures, savor the different intermingled tastes, be aware of the colors of the food. There are many ways in which you can truly sense, enjoy, and experience something even as simple as a piece of fruit or a drink.
As you continue to practice this, you will begin to appreciate that when you become fully aware of your current activity and fully experience it, your thoughts are no longer taking center stage. You have now effectively disengaged your mind. In fact, you can sit back and look at your thoughts as an impartial observer, just like you can experience hot or cold or sweet or sour for a few moments and then enjoy an entirely different taste.