When it comes to business-to-business sales, success is not so much about the products or service you’re selling as the approach you take to selling them. These days, this means challenging old ideas of what a salesperson should and shouldn’t do, and changing the way you approach the customer, the company, and the deal.
One of the most important changes you can make is to move away from the idea that you shouldn’t make customers uncomfortable: this can actually be a great thing, as it pushes clients to confront the difficult truths and daring decisions they need to make. Not being afraid to push clients also allows you to stand firm on the matter of price. By turning conversations toward value, you can refuse to compete on pricing while showing your customer why your services are well worth their money.
You can demonstrate you’re worth the money by ensuring you know more about the customer’s business than they do. By researching their company, you can offer original insights that add tangible value to your services. And it’s these original insights that should kick off your pitches; company and product details should be saved until the end, when you’ve already caught the customer’s attention. Your pitches should also be tailor-made for each decision maker so they target all of their biggest interests and concerns.
Learning a new approach to sales isn’t easy. But that’s where a good manager is vital: managers who put aside time and space specifically for mentoring help their teams develop new skills and keep experienced salespeople content within the company. So whether you’re a manager coaching your team or a rep developing a new method, by following these achievable, actionable techniques, you can learn a bold new approach to sales that will make you and your company truly stand out from the competition