The nature of time is very important. A modern view sheds amazing light on thinkers who want to go further. Both Old and New Testaments show God giving a similar commission. The entire Bible story is all about relationships. How are you faring with that? What book has done it better?
When you’re dead you’re dead! To insist on the supernatural by means of the natural is implausible. Was the Red Sea incident a supernatural act or was it natural? Jesus raised some clinically dead persons to life. Do we experience the connections He made as the Real Adam?
He claimed to be both God and human. Does that mean we should have a Christian faith on top of a Jewish one?
The followers of Jesus also do miraculous things? They bridge the gap between the supernatural and the natural? Does that happen in your church?
Science and God are friends. It looks like Jesus really is coming back soon. According to His teaching, it couldn’t have happened before now. Isn’t it wise to respond?