This is a compilation of 3 books from one of America's most passionate advocates who is turning common & sick making food choices into a healthy & balanced lifestyle. Juliana's lifestyle includes 5 minute quick & effortless to make, tasty, healthy, vitality & energy boosting smoothies and juices. Se loves sharing her passion for these powerful health elixirs. When she got started with smoothies & juices, she was able to shed 20 pounds during a period of 2 month. Since then she has been able to keep that weight off. Her secret: She turned these nutritious and satisfying drinks into a way of life. You'll find recipes that boost your body brain, help you with weight loss, detoxification, boosting the immune system in a natural way, healing from the inside out & many other health benefits. She is also known for her tasty delight creations that are going to relax your soul, too, like the “Scrumptious Hazel Berry Avocado Triathlon or the «Coconut Macadamia Nut Smoothie!