Rainer Maria Rilke


  • ℳ🍓𝓇𝓇..цитирует3 месяца назад
    In the deep nights I dig for you, O Treasure!
    To seek you over the wide world I roam,
    For all abundance is but meager measure
    Of your bright beauty which is yet to come.
  • ℳ🍓𝓇𝓇..цитирует3 месяца назад
    Close my ears, I can hear your footsteps fall,
    And without feet I still can follow you,
    And without voice I still can to you call.
    Break off my arms, and I can embrace you,
    Enfold you with my heart as with a hand.
    Hold my heart, my brain will take fire of you
    As flax ignites from a lit fire-brand—
    And flame will sweep in a swift rushing flood
    Through all the singing currents of my blood.
  • ℳ🍓𝓇𝓇..цитирует3 месяца назад
    I love my life's dark hours
    In which my senses quicken and grow deep,
    While, as from faint incense of faded flowers
    Or letters old, I magically steep
    Myself in days gone by: again I give
    Myself unto the past:—again I live.
  • ℳ🍓𝓇𝓇..цитирует3 месяца назад
    I live my life in circles that grow wide
    And endlessly unroll,
    I may not reach the last, but on I glide
    Strong pinioned toward my goal.
  • ℳ🍓𝓇𝓇..цитирует3 месяца назад
    When my soul touches yours a great chord sings!
    How shall I tune it then to other things?
    O! That some spot in darkness could be found
    That does not vibrate whene'er your depths sound.
    But everything that touches you and me
    Welds us as played strings sound one melody.
    Where is the instrument whence the sounds flow?
    And whose the master-hand that holds the bow?
    O! Sweet song—
  • ℳ🍓𝓇𝓇..цитирует3 месяца назад
    When from the past I draw myself the while
    I lose old traits as leaves of autumn fall;
    I only know the radiance of thy smile,
    Like the soft gleam of stars, transforming all.
  • ℳ🍓𝓇𝓇..цитирует3 месяца назад
    My body glows in every vein and blooms
    To fullest flower since I first knew thee,
    My walk unconscious pride and power assumes;
    Who art thou then—thou who awaitest me?
  • ℳ🍓𝓇𝓇..цитирует3 месяца назад
    She followed on slowly after the last
    As though some object must be passed by,
    And yet as if were it once but passed
    She would no longer walk but fly.
  • ℳ🍓𝓇𝓇..цитирует3 месяца назад
    Without you void would be my day and night,
    Without you I'll not capture my great song.
  • ℳ🍓𝓇𝓇..цитирует3 месяца назад
    Ah yes! I long for you. To you I glide
    And lose myself—for to you I belong.
    The hope that hitherto I have denied
    Imperious comes to me as from your side
    Serious, unfaltering and swift and strong.
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