To start a business, you need three things: a product or service, a group of people willing to pay for it, and a way to get paid. Everything else is completely optional.
Eliezer Diazцитирует3 дня назад
If you had to do a fair amount of administrative work related to your hobby, would you still enjoy it?
Eliezer Diazцитирует3 дня назад
Do you enjoy teaching others to practice the same hobby?
Eliezer Diazцитирует3 дня назад
you get paid for helping other people pursue the hobby or for something indirectly related to it.
Eliezer Diazцитирует11 дней назад
No one values a $15-an-hour consultant, so do not underprice your service. Since you probably won’t have forty hours of billable work every week, charge at least $100 an hour or a comparable fixed rate for the benefit you provide.
Eliezer Diazцитирует11 дней назад
(money, love, attention) and less of other things (stress, anxiety, debt).
Eliezer Diazцитирует11 дней назад
Core benefits usually relate to emotional needs more than physical needs.
Eliezer Diazцитирует11 дней назад
creating real value by giving people what they really want.
Eliezer Diazцитирует11 дней назад
The common theme was to figure out what people want and then find a way to give it to them.
Eliezer Diazцитирует11 дней назад
“If you make your business about helping others, you’ll always have plenty of work