bookmate game
Amanda Lovelace,ladybookmad

the mermaid's voice returns in this one

  • b2155815048цитирует6 дней назад
    learn how to embrace

    the constellations of my own

    tragedies and dive,

    courageous, into

    the galaxy of who I am,

    emerging as the better, stronger version

    I deserve myself to be.
  • b2155815048цитирует6 дней назад
    there’s nothing stopping you from being both gentle & valiant, just & magnificent, or any combination you should ever long for.
  • b2155815048цитирует6 дней назад
    sometimes you heal up & sometimes you

    stick out at strange angles

    forever….. like an elaborate self-


    drawn by a six year old & so what?
  • b2155815048цитирует6 дней назад
    that while you cannot scrub the scars from your skin

    you can rearrange them into something like maps

    soft, and webbed, and patiently waiting

    for you to trace them
  • b2155815048цитирует6 дней назад
    but you will grow stronger,

    grow wiser,

    grow the courage to look down and see

    yourself in pieces at your own feet.

    dare to send your fingers

    dancing through the shards

    before you pick them up

    and call them poetry,
  • b2155815048цитирует6 дней назад
    let the waves of


    take you in.

    wade in your honesty,

    your strength, your

    b r a v e r y .

    we survived our abuse,

    now swim.
  • b2155815048цитирует6 дней назад
    trauma didn’t change you all at once

    it carved slowly every day

    like rivers do

    it was patient while it hollowed you out

    so it’s a sculptor or it’s a knife

    you take your pain and you other it

    you give it a new name

    and a new face

    you say this might have helped shape me

    but it is not a part of me

    you say i meant to break open

    to make room for stars
  • b2155815048цитирует6 дней назад
    We talk about survival

    like it’s a thing that makes you


    Like it is a lesson learned.

    As if it does not steal your truth

    fashion it into a killing machine.

    As if a thing that does not kill you

    makes you more than a person

    who is not killed.
  • b2155815048цитирует6 дней назад
    I woke up the next morning

    and I did not feel brave.

    I woke up feeling

    like the love of my life

    is a monster
  • b2155815048цитирует6 дней назад

    you’ve walked




    entire life,

    you don’t

    even know


    to trust

    the softness




    your toes.
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