In “Poker!”, Zora Neale Hurston skillfully delves into the intricate dynamics of African American community life during the early 20th century, employing a vibrant literary style that intertwines realism with rich, poetic dialogue. This short play showcases a high-stakes game of poker that becomes a microcosm for the larger social tensions and personal aspirations of its characters, highlighting themes of ambition, deception, and resilience. Hurston's nuanced portrayal of her characters, coupled with her keen ear for vernacular speech, situates the work within the tradition of African American literature that both reflects and critiques societal norms of her time. Zora Neale Hurston, an influential figure of the Harlem Renaissance, was a folklorist and anthropologist whose own experiences navigating race and gender informed her writing. She traveled extensively throughout the South, immersing herself in the cultural practices of African American communities. This background informed her understanding of the complexities of human relationships and the subtleties of gaming, which she masterfully encapsulates in this play, using humor and tension to explore deeper societal truths. “Poker!” is a compelling exploration of the human condition, a testament to Hurston's sharp wit and cultural insights. Readers seeking a rich, entertaining engagement with African American folklore and the complexities of interpersonal relationships will find this work both enlightening and enjoyable, highlighting Hurston's enduring relevance.