“When people say impossible, they usually mean improbable.”
Natalie Haleцитирует4 года назад
“I’ll be certain you hear it when I make her scream.”
Little Wingцитирует4 года назад
David looked at me then, the regret plain on his face. No matter what I said, we both knew the hard truth. We do our best. We try. And usually, it makes no difference at all.
Little Wingцитирует5 лет назад
“Oh, and the easiest way to make someone furious is to tell her to calm down.”
Mariaцитирует8 лет назад
“Do you take anything seriously?” “Not if I can help it. Makes life so tedious.”
katieee720цитирует9 лет назад
Weakness is a guise. Wear it when they need to know you’re human, but never when you feel it
b0376388404цитируетв прошлом году
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