We are swimming through eternity, my daughters’ bright mermaid legs kicking out towards deeper water. I stay beneath the surface and marvel for as long as my lungs can hold.
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Memories are then replaced by different joys and larger sorrows, and unbelievably, those things get knocked aside as well
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The painful things you were certain you’d never be able to let go? Now you’re not entirely sure when they happened, while the thrilling parts, the heart-stopping joys, splintered and scattered and became something else.
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There is no explaining this simple truth about life: you will forget much of it.
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“You’re so gross. You should be a vet,”
Habitante de libroцитирует14 дней назад
Like every other mother in the history of time, I wondered if I would ever be able to love another child as much as I loved her.
Habitante de libroцитирует17 дней назад
And so I would hold her. You don’t forget that, even if your daughters have grown and been gone for years and then come home.
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I’ve made a point never to think of him at all, except that now I am thinking of him.
Habitante de libroцитирует22 дня назад
I thought dating meant when I was their age: ice cream, movies, walking home from school, the dread and desire that surrounded the mystery of kissing.
Habitante de libroцитирует22 дня назад
Imagine braiding the tails of three mice and then throwing in a cat.