The A List, the B List and the C List
On a piece of paper, list everything that is standing in your way of living joyfully today. You might list people, situations, worries, physical conditions, etc. Whatever it is, put it on the list.
Go down the list and mark with an “A” anything about which you can do absolutely nothing right now. Transfer all the A items to another piece of paper. That’s your “A List.”
Now go down the first list and mark with a “B” anything about which you can do something right now, even if the action is simple or small. Anything on that first list about which you can do something goes on another piece of paper as your “B List.”
So now everything you listed as an obstacle to living joyfully is either on your “A List” or on your “B List.”
On another piece of paper – mark it “C List” – write down all of your dreams, desires, hopes and needs, no matter how large or small, which are not yet fulfilled.
Here comes the fun part.
Take the A list and tear it up. Toss it in the trash. As Monroe says, “Dismiss all items contained therein from your consciousness. Why waste your energy worrying about that which you cannot control?”
Take the B list and do something – anything – to move towards resolving each item on that list. You may find that with some simple action on your part, you can cross off many of the B items from your list. Once you begin to tackle the other items, with just the smallest of actions, you’ll find that they have less impact on how you are feeling.
Finally, pick at least one item from the C list and do something – anything – that moves you towards fulfilling that goal or dream or desire.