Leo Tolstoy

The Death of Ivan Ilyitch

  • Samia Lamaamriцитируетпозавчера
    "Well," he thought, "perhaps it isn't so bad after all."
  • Samia Lamaamriцитируетпозавчера
    Having come to the conclusion that her husband had a dreadful temper and made her life miserable, she began to feel sorry for herself, and the more she pitied herself the more she hated her husband. She began to wish he would die; yet she did not want him to die because then his salary would cease. And this irritated her against him still more. She considered herself dreadfully unhappy just because not even his death could save her, and though she concealed her exasperation, that hidden exasperation of hers increased his irritation also.
  • Samia Lamaamriцитируетпозавчера
    Everything took place as he had expected and as it always does.
  • Samia Lamaamriцитируетпозавчера
    From the doctor's summing up Ivan Ilych concluded that things were bad, but that for the doctor, and perhaps for everybody else, it was a matter of indifference, though for him it was bad. And this conclusion struck him painfully, arousing in him a great feeling of pity for himself and of bitterness towards the doctor's indifference to a matter of such importance.
  • Samia Lamaamriцитируетпозавчера
    Everything was as it should be.
  • Samia Lamaamriцитируетпозавчера
    The pleasures connected with his work were pleasures of ambition; his social pleasures were those of vanity; but Ivan Ilych's greatest pleasure was playing bridge.
  • Samia Lamaamriцитируетпозавчера
    So they lived, and all went well, without change, and life flowed pleasantly.
  • Samia Lamaamriцитируетпозавчера
    In all this the thing was to exclude everything fresh and vital, which always disturbs the regular course of official business, and to admit only official relations with people, and then only on official grounds.
  • Samia Lamaamriцитируетпозавчера
    As soon as the official relations ended, so did everything else.
  • Samia Lamaamriцитируетпозавчера
    But on the whole his life ran its course as he believed life should do: easily, pleasantly, and decorously.
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