Historien, som bliver fortalt, er i sig selv opfindsom og mystisk. Der er en dybere mening med de mange sære ting, der foregår, og jeg må indrømme, at den ikke helt er klar for mig. Men så kan bogen bare læses, som en mærkelig fortælling.
This book has been a rather epic experience to read. I admit that at some points the technicalities of a protagonists work known as 'shuffling' got a bit too complicated for me to fully comprehend, but that did not stop me from enjoying the story. The characters are, though hard to fully sympathize with, very vivid and developed.
I know I enjoyed something when I'm sad to have finished it, this definitely fits that description.
Never connected to any character. Some ideas were very original, but the main character and overall story are not as strong in this book compared to others by Murakami.