
Politics: A Treatise on Government

  • Tadesse Iyassuцитируетвчера
    the sake of distinction, suppose we call it an indeterminate office: but I lay it down as a maxim, that those are citizens who could exercise it. Such then is the description of a citizen who comes nearest to what all those who are called citizens are. E
  • Tadesse Iyassuцитирует24 дня назад
    not to have altered the established form of government, either with respect to the senate or the mode of electing their magistrates; but to have raised the people to great consideration in the state by allotting the supreme ju‍
  • Tadesse Iyassuцитируетв прошлом месяце
    honourable than virtue and a love of money be the ruling principle in the city-for what those who have the chief power regard as honourable will necessarily be the object which the [1273b] citizens in general will aim at; an
  • Tadesse Iyassuцитируетв прошлом месяце
    women, by introducing the love of boys: whether in this he did well or ill we shall have some other opportunity of considering. But that the public meals were better ordered at Crete than at Lacedaemon is very evident.

    The institution of the kosmoi, was still worse than that of the ephori: for it contained all the faults incident to that magistracy and some peculiar to itself; for in both cases it is uncertain who will be elected: but the Lacedaemonians have this advantage which the others have not, that as all are eligible, the whole comm
  • Tadesse Iyassuцитируетв прошлом месяце
    The destruction of it commenced with their victories: for they knew not how to be idle, or engage in any other employment than war.
  • Tadesse Iyassuцитируетв прошлом месяце
    preserved, and continue the same. And upon this principle their kings have always acted, out of regard to their honour; the wise and good from their attachment to the senate, a seat wherein they consider as the reward of virtue; and the common people, that they may support the ephori, of w
  • Tadesse Iyassuцитируетв прошлом месяце
    find that the Lacedaemonian women were of the greatest disservice, as was proved at the time of the Theban invasion, when they were of no use at all, as they are in other cities, but
  • Tadesse Iyassuцитируетв прошлом месяце
    There are two considerations which offer themselves with respect to the government established at Lacedaemon and Crete, and indeed in almost all other states whatsoever; one is whether their laws do or do not promote the best establishment possible? the other is whether there is anything, if we consider either the principles upon which it is founded or the executive part of it, which prevents the form of government
  • Tadesse Iyassuцитируетв прошлом месяце
    in another point of view,
  • Tadesse Iyassuцитируетв прошлом месяце
    wives in common who yet deliver their children to their respective fathers, being guided by their likeness to them. There are also some mares and cows which naturally bring forth their young so like the male, that we can easily distinguish by which of them they were impregnated: such was the mare called Just, in Pharsalia.
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