The Real sword in the stone at Montesiepi
The knight is not King Arthur and the sword is not Excalibur but the sword of a real medieval knight,
One of the most interesting stories to come out of the legend of Sir Galgano Guidotti is the story of 'Merlini' the sorcerer. This name is recorded as a resident of the town of Chiusdoni, the birth place of Galgano. He lived at the same time as Galgano in the same town, now read about 'Merlini' the magician as Sussan talks to Osiris about Merlin's with Galgano.
Now read as Sir Galgano Guidotti speaks through Sussan a well known psychic and channeler. We also listen to 'Osiris' a non-physical entity as he speaks about 'Merlini' (Merlin the magician) the knights friend and mentor.