It’s a difference between a person saying they love you then a person that shows that they love you
-The difference
Don’t make yourself look foolish... talk to the person tell them how you feel.
Don’t be late to apologize... tell me your sorry’. Show me that you are going to fix the problem.
You promised me that you will not do it again. So how can I know that you wouldn’t break anymore promises?
I just want to be loved that’s all I ask for.
I am your one & only and from your eyes I’m your one and only too .
Do you want me to leave you alone?
No because you need me and I need you.😔
Это просто восхитительная книга, которую я рекомендую прочитать всем девушкам. Книга состоит из четырёх частей, названия которых символизируют жизненные этапы прошедшие писательницей:"боль", "любовь", "расставание" и "воскрешение". Рупи Каур облачает свой опыт в откровенные стихи и говорит о насущном, женском прямо. В её поэзии, хотя бы в одной строчке вы узнаете себя.
I really loved this book because it talks about femininity and some life issues that woman can face.
A precious book about healing, hurting and feminity. Rupi Kaur really knows how to take you in a trip with her beautiful poetry.
Suka banget dengan karya Rupi Kaur, baik di Milk and Honey maupun The Sun and Her Flower. Pada awalnya Saya membaca puisi-puisinya di instagram (rupikaur_) Membaca puisinya harus dengan pikiran terbuka. Karena bagi sebagian orang mungkin terlalu vulgar. Tapi itulah karyanya. Rupi Kaur seorang penulis puisi feminis. Terlihat dari 4 bagian puisinya The Hurting, The Loving, The Breaking, dan The Healing. Di dalamnya ia “bercerita” tentang kekerasan seksual, cinta, kehilangan, trauma dan penyembuhan.
Sangat menyenangkan untuk dinikmati, apalagi sambil melihat Rupi Kaur membacakan puisinya di YouTube.
An absolutely beautiful book, read it in one go, I couldn’t stop! A must read!
What you love if for? Really, it's the dumbiest thing I've ever read. Poor poetry with no less poor sketches.
But feminism, yeah... I see...
This book has such depth to it, it is indescribable. Really helps you realize things in a different perspective.
Simplemente genial, es un libro que abre los ojos, nos ayuda a sanar heridas, a comprender el amor, la naturaleza y la mujer, sin lugar a dudas es fantástico, y más para los que estamos empezando a leer en ingles.
Rupi Kaur is very talented writer. She shows us how to speak up.