In “Square Pegs: A Rhymed Fantasy For Two Girls,” Clifford Bax crafts a whimsical and richly imaginative tale that appeals to both children and adults. Utilizing a lyrical and playful rhymed structure, Bax weaves a narrative that explores themes of identity, friendship, and the quest for belonging. The story is set in a fantastical realm where social norms are challenged, offering readers insightful reflections on individuality amidst conformist pressures. This book stands out in the literary context of early 20th-century fantasy, echoing the charm of Lewis Carroll while presenting a uniquely feminist perspective. Clifford Bax, an accomplished poet, playwright, and novelist, was deeply influenced by the literary movements of his time, including the Arts and Crafts Movement. His upbringing in a creatively stimulating environment and interactions with contemporaries in the literary sphere undoubtedly shaped his vision in “Square Pegs.” This work serves as a testament to Bax's commitment to exploring complex social themes through the lens of fantasy, resonating with his broader body of work. I highly recommend “Square Pegs” for anyone seeking a profound yet accessible read that celebrates the beauty of imagination and the courage to be oneself. Ideal for educators and parents, this enchanting story not only entertains but also catalyzes important conversations about self-acceptance and the value of friendship.