This non-fiction book is dedicated to those who are skeptical about spirits and the afterlife.
I have 77 photographs in this book to show you the White Light and spirits I captured
in all forms of; people, animals, ghouls, aliens, orbs and ecto mists. I bought this 1995
house in Clearwater, Florida in 2000. I still live in this house. When my daughter and I
first moved into this house I thought it was just haunted. We were unaware that several
spirits pass through this house every day. In this book I tell you how to protect yourself
dealing with evil spirits and being surrounded by many spirits. I tell you how to help those
spirits that are lost, confused and can’t find their way to the White Light. I tell you stories
about paranormal activity that has happened in our house and still does. I tell you how to photograph the spirits and the White Light. I researched Pinellas County, Florida for Indian
sites and haunted areas. I researched orbs their colors and sizes. I researched portals
on properties and in mirrors. I researched ecto mists. After experiencing all these things I have inner peace knowing that we don’t just die. I think we have choices we can make after we die. For instance, when my mother passed away in 2009 a baby, three circles with a weird face appeared on my glass doors to the back of our property that I could see with my eyes. I found out the three circles means reincarnation. After a few weeks the baby’s face turned into an old hag. That is when I began taking photographs inside and outside of my house and learned that we lived in a portal. I used two Kodak digital cameras with 5X zoom and
21 X zoom. I only know the basics of a camera. I asked a paranormal society to investigate
my house in 2014. I asked a priest to help me exile an evil spirit. I have faces on my master bedroom mirror that you can see with the naked eye. The photographs in this book are awesome! I have hundreds of photographs of the White Light and spirits. I take photos every day sometimes capturing the same spirits for days in a row and then new ones appear. There
is a lot of activity and noises. Tapping on the windows while I am taking the photos. Pounding on the walls at times. I tell you how I have been protected by spirits. When you look at the photos, you decide if the spirits are coming out of the White Light or going into the White Light. Before 2009, I didn’t really believe in God. But, after all we have been through involving the spirits and the death of my family members I truly believe in God. If you need help or
guidance all you have to do is talk to God. Archangel Michael will protect you if you ask him
to. The Archangels will help you with the spirits. Sage and certain stones will help protect you dealing with unwanted spirits. This is the first book I have written and there will be more to follow. I put my email address at the end of my book. If you would like more information or photos please let me know.