When broken people do broken things - especially in the name of love - we all get broken, too.
daryaцитирует3 года назад
I once read somewhere that if your mind continuously returns to the same person over and over again, it means that they’re thinking of you as well. I hope that’s true.
оrtemцитирует3 года назад
I can’t bear being apart from you.
strangenewemberцитирует3 года назад
What have you done today to deserve your eyes?
strangenewemberцитирует3 года назад
Sometimes the people that care for us the most are the people we least expect.
strangenewemberцитирует3 года назад
When you’re gay, you have the privilege of choosing your family.
strangenewemberцитирует3 года назад
I guess we all have things from our childhood we eventually have to let go of.
strangenewemberцитирует3 года назад
After all, what exactly is a family, if not a brotherhood and sisterhood afflicted with the same terminal disease?
Meribaцитируетв прошлом году
After all, what exactly is a family, if not a brotherhood and sisterhood afflicted with the same terminal disease?
Manasa Harishцитирует2 года назад
At the end of each day, he used to ask me, “what have you done today to deserve your eyes?”