bookmate game
Edith Wharton


  • jovana1109цитируетв прошлом месяце
    It was not the fear of any sanction, human or heavenly; she had never in her life been afraid. It was simply that she had suddenly understood what would happen if she went in. It was the thing that did happen between young men and girls, and that North Dormer ignored in public and snickered over on the sly.
  • jovana1109цитируетв прошлом месяце
    Whenever she was unhappy she felt herself at bay against a pitiless world, and a kind of animal secretiveness possessed her.
  • jovana1109цитируетв прошлом месяце
    But another kind of shyness had been born in her: a terror of exposing to vulgar perils the sacred treasure of her happiness.
  • jovana1109цитируетв прошлом месяце
    Sometimes she envied the other girls their sentimental preoccupations, their long hours of inarticulate philandering with one of the few youths who still lingered in the village; but when she pictured herself curling her hair or putting a new ribbon on her hat for Ben Fry or one of the Sollas boys the fever dropped and she relapsed into indifference.
  • jovana1109цитируетв прошлом месяце
    Everything that in any way affected her was alive and vivid: even the hateful things had grown interesting because they were a part of herself.
  • jovana1109цитируетв прошлом месяце
    She knew nothing of her early life, and had never felt any curiosity about it: only a sullen reluctance to explore the corner of her memory where certain blurred images lingered. But all that had happened to her within the last few weeks had stirred her to the sleeping depths. She had become absorbingly interesting to herself, and everything that had to do with her past was illuminated by this sudden curiosity.
  • jovana1109цитируетв прошлом месяце
    There had never been such a June in Eagle County. Usually it was a month of moods, with abrupt alternations of belated frost and mid-summer heat; this year, day followed day in a sequence of temperate beauty. Every morning a breeze blew steadily from the hills. Toward noon it built up great canopies of white cloud that threw a cool shadow over fields and woods; then before sunset the clouds dissolved again, and the western light rained its unobstructed brightness on the valley.
  • jovana1109цитируетв прошлом месяце
    and I’m going to lose my job, and I wanted it more’n anyone in the village, because I haven’t got anybody belonging to me, the way other folks have. All I wanted was to put aside money enough to get away from here sometime. D’you suppose if it hadn’t been for that I’d have kept on sitting day after day in this old vault?
  • jovana1109цитирует2 месяца назад
    She did not cry; tears came hard to her, and the storms of her heart spent themselves inwardly. But as she sat there in her dumb woe she felt her life to be too desolate, too ugly and intolerable.
  • jovana1109цитирует2 месяца назад
    Her heart was ravaged by life’s cruelest discovery: the first creature who had come toward her out of the wilderness had brought her anguish instead of joy.
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