because we are all capable of being deceived. We all have blind spots. We need people who will help us see the truth about ourselves and our lives.
Raychawl Wachirahцитирует8 лет назад
women who hear the truth but seldom act in faith
Kiana Johnsonцитирует8 лет назад
Lord, I look to You for everything I need in my life. Help me to put all my expectations in You.” And whenever you are disappointed because your needs are not being met, talk to yourself and say, “My soul,
Kiana Johnsonцитирует8 лет назад
Let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands for us.
Kiana Johnsonцитирует8 лет назад
My soul, wait silently for God alone, for my expectation is from Him” (Psalm 62:5). Then tell God about all your needs and everything that is in your heart.
Kiana Johnsonцитирует8 лет назад
We will never be happy until we make God the source of our fulfillment and the answer to our longings. He is the only one who should have power over our souls.
Ane Lunaцитирует9 лет назад
Deliverance won’t change you into someone else. It will release you to be who you really are—an intelligent, secure, loving, talented, kindhearted, witty, attractive, wonderful woman of God.
Ane Lunaцитирует9 лет назад
Lord, Keep Me in the Center of Your Will
Ane Lunaцитирует9 лет назад
speak the truth in love
Ane Lunaцитирует9 лет назад
The main quality to look for in a close friend is not how attractive, talented, wealthy, smart, influential, clever, or popular they are. It’s how much they love and fear God.