broke down their job posting line by line and wrote down my skills and projects I’d worked on that directly related to their description.
2. I researched their website extensively, read articles about the company, and looked up the management teams’ backgrounds so that I could speak knowledgeably about the company and why I was a good fit.
3. I prepared a spiel about my somewhat eclectic résumé, which can look unfocused if not set in the proper context.
4. I called an expert on startups, finance, bargaining, and a half dozen other things to get some outside counsel. Ramit gave me some key advice, including “Tell them you want to get your hands dirty” and “Suggest three things you would do to improve/enhance their marketing efforts.” Yes, he does talk just like he writes on his blog.
5. I actually took Ramit’s advice, which is where a lot of my work came in. I dreamed up three proposals for generating greater interest at trade shows, better responses to direct marketing efforts, and increased name recognition in the general population.