a great man in every deed he is who can achieve great ends by resolution rather than brute force.
Mugisa Pius Edward (Dr. Edds)цитирует2 года назад
Happy must that leader be whose followers are thus attached to him: beyond all others he will prove a stout and strong commander.
Mugisa Pius Edward (Dr. Edds)цитирует2 года назад
men by nature love (or hold they ought to love) those things wherebysoever they believe they will be benefited.
Mugisa Pius Edward (Dr. Edds)цитирует2 года назад
The gardeners, look, are hoeing vines to keep them clean and free of weeds; but they hoe so sorrily that the loose stuff grows ranker and more plentiful. Can you call that (27) anything but idleness?
Mugisa Pius Edward (Dr. Edds)цитирует2 года назад
The gardeners, look, are hoeing vines to keep them clean and free of weeds; but they hoe so sorrily that the loose stuff grows ranker and more plentiful. Can you call that (27) anything but idleness?
Mugisa Pius Edward (Dr. Edds)цитирует2 года назад
therefore that is unskilled in other money-making arts and will not dig, shows plainly he is minded to make his living by picking and stealing, or by begging alms, or else he writes himself down a very fool.
Mugisa Pius Edward (Dr. Edds)цитирует2 года назад
being taught wisdom doubtless by the heavy losses they must struggle with who sow before God's bidding.
Mugisa Pius Edward (Dr. Edds)цитирует2 года назад
he who would rightly till the soil must first be made acquainted with the nature of the earth."
Mugisa Pius Edward (Dr. Edds)цитирует2 года назад
, too, at present I am easily persuaded that if I am to direct my care aright in tillage I must have a knowledge of the art of tillage. But the bare recognition of the fact does not one whit provide me with the knowledge how I ought to till. A
Mugisa Pius Edward (Dr. Edds)цитирует2 года назад
in man you have a creature still more open to persuasion through appeals to reason; (9) only make it plain to him "it is his interest to obey."