bookmate game
Niccolò Machiavelli

The Prince

  • b7107009067цитирует8 лет назад
    you wish to please me, and to bring success and honour to yourself, do right and study, because others will help you if you help yourself."
  • David Alejandroцитирует8 лет назад
    Men will not look at things as they really are, but as they wish them to be—and are ruined
  • Haffizah Yasminaцитирует6 лет назад
    Men will not look at things as they really are, but as they wish them to be—and are ruined
  • CENDRAWATIцитирует10 лет назад
    For he who innovates will have for his enemies all those who are well off under the existing order of things, and only lukewarm supporters in those who might be better off under the new. This lukewarm temper arises partly from the fear of adversaries who have the laws on their side, and partly from the incredulity of mankind, who will never admit the merit of anything new, until they have seen it proved by the event.
  • Adam Smithцитируетпозавчера
    But a man is not of­ten found suf­fi­ciently cir­cum­spect to know how to ac­com­mod­ate him­self to the change, both be­cause he can­not de­vi­ate from what nature in­clines him to do, and also be­cause, hav­ing al­ways prospered by act­ing in one way, he can­not be per­suaded that it is well to leave it; and, there­fore, the cau­tious man, when it is time to turn ad­ven­tur­ous, does not know how to do it, hence he is ruined; but had he changed his con­duct with the times for­tune would not have changed.
  • Adam Smithцитируетпозавчера
    Never­the­less, not to ex­tin­guish our free will, I hold it to be true that For­tune is the ar­biter of one-half of our ac­tions,46 but that she still leaves us to dir­ect the other half, or per­haps a little less.

    I com­pare her to one of those ra­ging rivers, which when in flood over­flows the plains, sweep­ing away trees and build­ings, bear­ing away the soil from place to place; everything flies be­fore it, all yield to its vi­ol­ence, without be­ing able in any way to with­stand it; and yet, though its nature be such, it does not fol­low there­fore that men, when the weather be­comes fair, shall not make pro­vi­sion, both with de­fences and bar­ri­ers, in such a man­ner that, rising again, the wa­ters may pass away by canal, and their force be neither so un­res­trained nor so dan­ger­ous. So it hap­pens with for­tune, who shows her power where valour has not pre­pared to res­ist her, and thither she turns her forces where she knows that bar­ri­ers and de­fences have not been raised to con­strain her.
  • Adam Smithцитируетпозавчера
    But con­fin­ing my­self more to the par­tic­u­lar, I say that a prince may be seen happy today and ruined to­mor­row without hav­ing shown any change of dis­pos­i­tion or char­ac­ter
  • muthamiankathaцитируетв прошлом месяце
    Hence it is that all armed proph­ets have conquered, and the un­armed ones have been des­troyed.
  • muthamiankathaцитируетв прошлом месяце
    ful is ruined; be­cause that pre­dom­in­ancy has been brought about either by as­tute­ness or else by force, and both are dis­trus­ted by him who has been raised to power.
  • muthamiankathaцитируетв прошлом месяце
    that he who is the cause of an­other be­com­ing power­
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