The Baniyvsky philosophy school's eBook, “The Game of Fate & Luck,” addresses common misunderstandings in human thought. Fate and luck are often confused with other terms like destiny, divine kindness, and the hidden effects of good deeds. However, the problem is much deeper, as fate can be represented as a dynamic equation influenced by various factors and linked to space-time. Scientifically, fate can be represented as a Cox regression relative hazards model equation, where time is space-time and the result is the probability of the appearance of the thing that occurred after being affected by multiple factors. The book addresses these thorny issues sequentially, considering scientific, religious, cultural, social, doctrinal, historical, story, moral, and anecdotal aspects. It is supported by numerous references, each with a link that allows readers to return to the primary source for further exploration. The eBook also includes summary and pivotal points at the end of each of its nine sections.