here’s a sample guide to what is and isn’t feminist.
Menna Abu Zahraцитирует3 года назад
Some say feminism is more a theory, but we like to think of it as a label that can be slapped onto or removed from anything we choose.
Menna Abu Zahraцитирует3 года назад
Your body, your decision, your uterus!
Menna Abu Zahraцитирует3 года назад
and have deep wombversations.
Menna Abu Zahraцитирует3 года назад
SHOPAHOL-ETTE: Not an addict (see also: not-guilty pleashers). Example: “I’m a shopahol-ette. I just bought eleven copies of the Reductress book for my friends, and I do not feel guilty about that.”
Menna Abu Zahraцитирует3 года назад
PATRIARCH-D: That big ol’ sweet, sweet D that keeps you enslaved to the patriarchy.
Menna Abu Zahraцитирует3 года назад
MALE GAYZE: That judgy yet supportive look you get from your gay best friend, who would never objectify you, but will definitely tell you how your boobs look in that V-neck romper.
Menna Abu Zahraцитирует3 года назад
Example: “Yes, I’m a housewife, but I prefer the term ‘stay-at-home bitch,’ thank you very much.”
Menna Abu Zahraцитирует3 года назад
GENDER STUPIDITY: The completely boneheaded ideas some people have about gender. Examples: “Men are better than women.” “Quilting your feelings is women’s work.”
Menna Abu Zahraцитирует3 года назад
ADVISE-HER: Your role as a feminist, should you choose to take it. From now on, you’ll be advising your female friends at every turn. Think of yourself as a life coach and image consultant combined!