bookmate game
Gaston Leroux

The Phantom of the Opera

  • Simon Sushynskyцитируетвчера
    I remembered all that Christine had told me of the Angel of Music. The air was The Resurrection of Lazarus, which old M. Daae used to play to us in his hours of melancholy and of faith. If Christine’s Angel had existed, he could not have played better, that night, on the late musician’s violin.
  • Simon Sushynskyцитируетвчера
    "Well, Christine, I think that somebody is making game of you."

    долбоеб, literally the worst, что он мог сказать, какой же идиот, нет слов просто. клинический случай

  • Simon Sushynskyцитируетвчера
    Imagine my astonishment when you told me, this morning, that you could hear him too."
    Raoul burst out laughing.

    wtf вот это поворот, unexpectedly пиздец. очень красиво как-то, хоть и просто, не знаю, реально напоминает рассказы Чехова о любви

  • Simon Sushynskyцитируетвчера
    He smiled at the thought and then suddenly gave a start. A voice behind him said:
    "Do you think the Korrigans will come this evening?"
    It was Christine. He tried to speak. She put her gloved hand on his mouth.
  • Simon Sushynskyцитируетвчера
    issued from the ground, which had flung back a number of its corpses. Skeletons and skulls by the hundred were heaped against the wall of the church, held in position by a wire that left the whole gruesome stack visible. Dead men’s bones, arranged in rows, like bricks, to form the first course upon which the walls of the sacristy had been built. The door of the sacristy opened in the middle of that bony structure, as is often seen in old Breton churches.
    Raoul said a prayer for Daae and then, painfully impressed by all those eternal smiles on the mouths of skulls, he climbed the slope and sat down on the edge of the heath overlooking the sea. The wind fell with the evening. Raoul was surrounded by icy darkness, but he did not feel the cold.
  • Simon Sushynskyцитируетвчера
    Go on! Go on! Tell me all you heard!"

    не рауль конч все же

  • Simon Sushynskyцитируетвчера
    Why did she laugh when he reminded her of the incident of the scarf? Why did she not recognize him? And why had she written to him?…
  • Simon Sushynskyцитируетвчера
    but she did not see him. She seemed, for that matter, to see nobody. She was all indifference. Raoul suffered, for she was very beautiful and he was shy and dared not confess his love, even to himself. And then came the lightning–flash of the gala performance: the heavens torn asunder and an angel’s voice heard upon earth for the delight of mankind and the utter capture of his heart.
    And then… and then there was that man’s voice behind the door—"You must love me!"—and no one in the room…
  • Simon Sushynskyцитируетвчера
    Raoul followed her and they talked till the evening, very shyly. They were quite changed, cautious as two diplomatists, and told each other things that had nothing to do with their budding sentiments. When they took leave of each other by the roadside, Raoul, pressing a kiss on Christine’s trembling hand, said:
    "Mademoiselle, I shall never forget you!"

    Sie liebten sich beide, doch keiner
Wollt’es dem andern gestehn.

    Они любили друг друга так долго и нежно,
С тоской глубокой и страстью безумно-мятежной!
Но, как враги, избегали признанья и встречи,
И были пусты и хладны их краткие речи.
Они расстались в безмолвном и гордом страданье
И милый образ во сне лишь порою видали.
И смерть пришла: наступило за гробом свиданье…
Но в мире новом друг друга они не узнали.

    Lermontov 💔

  • Simon Sushynskyцитирует3 дня назад
    when they are sad and disheartened. Then their ears suddenly perceive celestial harmonies, a divine voice, which they remember all their lives. Persons who are visited by the Angel quiver with a thrill unknown to the rest of mankind. And they can not touch an instrument, or open their mouths to sing, without producing sounds that put all other human sounds to shame. Then people who do not know that the Angel has visited those persons say that they have genius.
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