You will have access to the universal bank, which gives you one million dollars per day to spend. At the end of the day, that million dollars will need to be completely used up, because you cannot take it into the next day. Each day, you will be given one million dollars to spend completely. This experiment will help you raise your frequency so you can feel good about money, but at the same time, it will make you step into the vision.
Each day, take out a journal and write down in detail exactly what you would do with a million dollars if you had it right now. Don’t think about anything else but spending it and enjoying your life. What would be your first purchase? Be sure to spend this universal million dollars as if it were in your bank account right now. Let Google be your friend when it comes to searching prices of the things you would want. Next to each purchase, put the total amount. By the end of the day, you should have spent a million dollars. Realize that you can donate to charities, too, and give back. You can clear your debt, or help anyone you want. If you had a million dollars a day for the next seven days, what would you be doing? Be sure to keep track of the numbers and exactly what it is you’re using the money for.