We applied emotional awareness when we were upset—scanning for physical sensations in our bodies that tell us when a frightened part of the personality is active (they are painful) and when a loving part is active (they feel good). We noticed our thoughts that tell us when a frightened part of the personality is active (they are judgmental, critical, etc.) and when a loving part is active (they are thoughts of gratitude, appreciation, care, etc.). If my thoughts were judgmental, violent, or addictively sexual, for example, I knew that a frightened part of my personality was active. We examined our intentions that tell us when a frightened part of the personality is active (it intends to win, to be right, to control—in other words, to pursue external power), and when a loving part is active (it intends to create harmony, cooperate, share, and revere Life). If my intention was to dominate, to be right, or to prove Linda wrong, for example, I knew that a frightened part of my personality was active. Then I chose an intention to create a constructive consequence instead of the destructive consequences that I knew the intention of the frightened part of my personality would create (this is a responsible choice).
I chose to listen, for example, instead of speak; to understand instead of demand to be understood; to be patient instead of hurried, and so on. Whatever I chose, it was different and often opposite from what the frightened part of my personality would have chosen (and wanted very much to do in that moment)—such as justify myself, explain myself, shut Linda off, hurry through our interaction, withdraw, or shout.