At the Back of the North Wind is a captivating anthology that intertwines a rich tapestry of imagination and profound philosophical inquiry. Its collection of tales, fables, and reflective essays reveals a world where reality effortlessly dances with the fantastical, offering readers a journey through diverse literary landscapes. The works collectively explore themes of innocence, morality, and the ethereal qualities of nature, capturing the mysterious charm of the North Wind itself. Each piece is masterfully woven to balance style and substance, promising memorable highlights that resonate with the universal quest for understanding. Contributors Elizabeth Lewis and George MacDonald bring together their remarkable backgrounds as leading figures in literature and children's storytelling, anchoring the anthology in the era'Äôs Romantic and Victorian contexts while embodying the spirit of their unique times. With personal insights drawn from the late 19th-century literary landscape, these authors contribute to the greater cultural tapestry, enriching the themes with historical gravitas and imaginative depth. Comprising distinct yet complementary voices, the collection reflects the varied dimensions of human experience and philosophical introspection, bound by a shared pursuit of truth and beauty. This anthology presents an invaluable opportunity to engage with a multiplicity of voices and literary forms. At the Back of the North Wind invites readers on an educative journey, appealing to those eager to explore the interplay of reality and fantasy through its myriad narratives. It offers not only a window into historical literary traditions but also a platform for dialogue between past and present, serving as a wellspring of inspiration and reflection for both seasoned scholars and inquisitive readers alike.